I've been working on an xgen project and for quite a while I've come across a mask issue that I can't seem to understand either the cause or the solution.
I've set my project, create the shape, open the UV in the correct UDIM, place my guides, create a density map, save it and start to paint. After a while the mask simply disappears, the hair continues to work and respond as if the mask is there.
The mask .ptx file is correctly placed in the project. The wireframe is on (apparently I can only visualize the mask if the wireframes are on). I can paint on the mask, but I can no longer see it.
Does anyone have any idea of what may be causing this?
I've restarted the project so many times, and sometimes it happens right away, sometimes it takes a couple of hours. But eventually it will always happen.
Is there a lambert shader on the geo?
Could you explain the part again with the UDIMs.
Cause xgen does not work with UDIMs.
Yes, I used a Lambert shader in the mesh.
As for the UDIM, I meant to say it is set in the 1.1 UV quadrant, bellow the image for reference.
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