Please help! Strange Mesh issues.


Please help! Strange Mesh issues.

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I'm kind of new to Maya and it's properties. I'm kind of stuck where when I want to move the right side of the body random vertices on areas not bound to the joint are being moved! I'm attaching an image for a better frame of reference but basically I try and move the right foot, some vertices are stuck to the bottom and random vertices on the face are being affected as well. I already checked the skin weights and there are none on the right side that would cause the mesh to distort like it is. 


I got this rig from someone else so I have no version of the rig where the skin and clothing are separate. I do have a version of the plain mesh without a skeleton or IK rigs though. I'm on a bit of a schedule for it though so I'd prefer not having to completely re-rig it. 


Thank you!

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It's been a while since I've done any rigging but I thought there was a way to select all joints that affected a vert. If you can, maybe just flood those particular joints with 0/black and redo it. Their rigging job looks pretty terrible tbh.