Move, Rotate, Scale - Edge slide on by default


Move, Rotate, Scale - Edge slide on by default


Hey guys. Since Maya 2018, I've been having some problems with the move, rotate and scale-tools.

It appears that Transform Constraint - Edge is on by default; now I know that you can use Shift for extrude and Ctrl+Shift for said slide; but it's on even without ever touching Ctrl+Shift. Also, resetting the tools turns it on. That's not how it's supposed to be, right?

Gonna attach a video.


 <iframe width="696" height="655" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen></iframe>


Move tool seems to work (sometimes?), at least resets like it used to.

Rotate and scale both have the problem. You may notice: it resets to Edge by default, and turning it off via the Ctrl+Shift-menu sometimes (not always) immediately turns it on again.

Edit: There seems to be a difference between Ctrl+Shift+right mouse down, then moving to "Off", right mouse up, Ctrl+Shift up, and opening the menu normally, but first releasing Ctrl+Shift, then the right mouse button. Sometimes, anyway. I assume this might be due to the new hotkey for toggling slide, Ctrl+Shift, and these somehow conflict with each other, however this doesn't explain the reset to slide, does it?


Might be I am missing something here, or I found either a hidden feature or a bug, haha. Looking forward to your input. Can you reproduce this?


Well, that embed works great.. just click on the link please until the video switches to public. Which takes hours, for some reason.

Accepted solutions (1)
15 Replies
Replies (15)

Accepted solution



Try a reset of your preferences.
Rename the folder prefs in folder 2018 to something like prefs_backup, or to reset everything (recommended in this case), the folder 2018 to 2018_backup. Maya creates new folders. Detailed at:


That fixed it. I was about to do that, but wanted to ask in the forums first, out of laziness, to be honest. Sorry about dragging you into that, haha.


On another note though, any idea how that could happen? Is it possible to set new tool-defaults?





My guess is you installed Maya 2018 on system where Maya 2017 was/is installed and copied preferences.


"Is it possible to set new tool-defaults?"

Use "Reset Tool" then save preferences, or make use of userSetup.mel .



Not applicable

I'm having the same problem. I noticed this behavior when working on a scene I worked on in previous versions. I also checked this in a fresh created scene from maya 2018 and it has the same problem. I am using a fresh install of Maya 2018 student. Edge slide seems to turn on when I scale a cylinder down with ctrl  scale on the x-axis. By default it seems to work fine on a newly created cylinder or cube. When you try to turn it of in the ctrl_shift menu it turns itself on automatically. Also weird that in no other place edge slide seems to be turned on, why is there more than 1 option to turn this on anyway and why do they differ.?!

Resetting preferences doesn't fix it. Also reinstalled maya but no help.

Why is it that when a new version is released there are always such work flow breaking bugs. This makes the entire package completely unusable!





The problem with edge slide becoming stuck is a known issue in 2018. The issue happens when holding Ctrl+Shift and clicking in another view or when using Ctrl+Shift hotkeys.


If you give the 3D view focus (e.g. click on the view title area) and then press/release Shift+Ctrl it should reset itself. Alternatively the edge constraint can be turned off from the Modeling Toolkit.





Brent McPherson
Principle Engineer

Not applicable

It happens to me regards whether I press Ctrl or shift. Even if i just move in a certain axis (problem doesn't occur on all axis).

it also only seems to appear ONCE I scaled on object down in a certain axis. When I scale it back up the problem is gone. Also freezing transformations seems to work. As far as I've seen so far.

Also turning it of like you mentioned doesn't work. It isn't turned on in the modeling toolkit while it IS turned on in the Ctrl+shift menu.


Not applicable

I had the same problem. One thing I noticed was that in the Modeling Toolkit, whenever I would hold Ctrl+Shift, the Edge would pop up with a blue highlight next to the Transform Constraint, where it had previously said Off with no highlight. I was working with symmetry options on, stating Object X with a blue highlight as well, with preserve seam enabled. But I was working on the legs, where there was no seem. Since those faces/edges where inside components, Maya was trying to preserve a seam that didn't exist. Turning Symmetry off fixed the problem.


Take this all with a grain of salt. I'm bran new at this, so I could very easily be mistaken in my reasoning. But this is how I was able to fix the problem.


Not applicable

So, what happens when this solution does not work the way it should? My preferences folder did what it said the solution should do, rename the  old pref folder "preferencesOld" or what have you, and maya did create a new prefs folder, but the problem persists. Verts are still moving on an edge constraint and Im not sure why. 


Given it has been a few years since I've been inside the package, but I dont believe i have ever encountered this kind of problem in any other previous version of Maya, Im currently having the problem in Maya LT 2018


Not applicable

Ignore the previous post, the Autodesk gods smile upon me this day with a working Maya LT package, thanks for the read/your time. Have a good day!


Not applicable

Well I didn't want to delete my prefs so I sat and thought about it a second...

Double-click the move tool icon in the toolbox or click the tool settings icon just above the shelf in the top right corner of your screen. click rest tool

Seems there are multiple solutions but I thought I'd post since this is the easiest or if those don't always work for others.


I found an easier solution without resetting prefs.


Ctrl+Shift+RMB  - Transform Constraints - OFF (you probably have Edge slide or Surface slide active)


transform constrains.png

Not applicable

This helped me, thanks a lot 🙂

@ArpanaViraj wrote:

I found an easier solution without resetting prefs.


Ctrl+Shift+RMB  - Transform Constraints - OFF (you probably have Edge slide or Surface slide active)


transform constrains.png


Not applicable

while most people see the solution by deleting preference which is very very wrong, it is always welcome to all perfect solution for error like this. Many many thanks for the right solution you replied.

Not applicable

Thank you so much !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  it works !😀


This should be set as a real solution! I've found this by myself as well. People should RTFM.