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[Maya 2017] how to drive the shape of an extruded curve with more than one curve


[Maya 2017] how to drive the shape of an extruded curve with more than one curve

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I'm an hobbyist so I don't have tons of knowledge about this topic but, (watch up to the 3 minute mark to understand the gist of my question). 

So obviously it's easy to create a polygon along a curve, for this guy his first 2 curves he talks about has an identical workflow compared to Maya. But then he applies a 3rd curve which controls tapering. I've been looking at some of Maya's options, but while I'm looking I figured I should ask around on here to see if anyone already knows a function that would work in this case?

8 Replies
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As a follow up question, the closest function I could find that was related to this is the Curve to Tube function in the bonus tools modeling submenu. All you do is define a curve, then you can create a tube along that curve, same thing as using a circular curve as a profile to extrude a surface along the 1st curve. Then the Curve to Tube function lets you also taper the tube, anyone here at Maya know how the function works under the hood? I would like to know how to control the shape of this tapering, not simply how strong the tapering is. At the moment all you can do with tapering is scaling the value higher or lower.





I don't have the time to watch videos with advertising, so in general, if you want to control the profile use:

- Create Animated Sweep, or

- Loft, or

- Birail, or,

just edit the Object manual later.


Please read the Maya Online Help / Documentation for more details.


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I've looked at the Birail and Loft function, Birail generally uses  1 or more profile curves on 2 curves i.e rails, in this case I only have 1 "rail" so to speak, so I don't think the Birail functions would be of any use to me - at least as far as I've experimented. And the Loft function just generates a planar surface using a bunch of curves as profiles upon initialization of the function. What I'm trying to do is use a 3rd curve to drive a shape, and this shape was derived using 2 other different curves. 


Specifically I guess this 3rd curve is supposed to manipulate the tangent(?) of the produced shaped between the 1st and 2nd curve. So if I made a cylinder with my 1st and 2nd curve, the 3rd curve would shape (or taper) this cylinder to a non cylindrical shape, which I could manipulate the shape of just by changing the 3rd curve's cvs.


And Animation sweep creates a tapered object, but it doesn't look like it can be easily and quickly deformed with the use of just 1 curve. Having to manage a bunch of curves that drive a single shape would defeat the purpose of what I'm trying to achieve.


The curve-to-tube function is almost exactly what I want to do, except it has no features at all to define the profile to a more specific shape.





PolyExtrude has a Taper Curve Attribute.


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Yeah I found that one too. I've been experimenting with wrapping a nurb generated with 2 curves like I mentioned, and extruding a polygon along one of these curves like you mentioned. By wrapping one to the other I get access to both curve control and taper control, it's not a completely clean result, but at this point I'm convinced that this'll have to do for now, at least until I write my own script.





You can use the following in Maya for a feature request:

Help -> Speak Back -> Ideas for Maya


Please mark every answer that solves your problem as solution, so others interested in this thread will get a better overview.


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Hey noface,


Did you ever figure what tool to use for this? Im having the exact same issue - also coming from the exact same video... cant find the right tool to match what this guy was doing. 


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Hey, sorry for replying so late. A helpful user named fatihG_ on the polycount forums showed me his workflow and uploaded a demonstration video here:


idk if this suits your use-case, but turns out I was going about it the wrong way and fatih's approach made a lot more sense and seemed less complicated.