Hello there, i am making a floor, a tiles, and i don't wanna use textures, not bump, not normal, so i am making the tiles look a bit real, i already made the floor, piece by piece, tile by tile, but it's not about the amount of polygons is the problem, it is the amount of objects ! even when combined, maya is lagging, so i made a plane and cut it into squares, extruded and beveled them to get this shape, but now, i need to select only the square faces, to drag them up a bit, and i have to make many of this floor, different sizes ! and they all should be like this, any kind of selection can help ?
this one made piece by piece then combined, it made maya lagging a lot ! a lot of objects
and this one is a plane, i split it into tiles, now i need to select the faces you see, this an example to see what i mean