Im am pretty experienced with 3DS Max, but transfering to Maya now. In Max, it is VERY easy to give specific coordinates to a vertex or the pivot piont, Simply pick one and insert the numer in the x,y,z boxes. They also tell where they are at the moment, when chosen.
However, in Maya I cant find any x,z,y coordinate info. Lets say I have a lot of vertex's in different spots, and want to give one the same hight as another one. How would I get the z,y,x coordinate info from a vertex and manually give a vertex z,y,x coordinates.
I just want to see the coordinate info on a vertex and be able to change them. I cant find any info about this.
I kinda have the same question about moving the pivot point. I have a barrel, and want the pivot center, but in the bottom of it. I also want the pivot in the 0,0,0 coordinate after that. I can center it on the object, but giving it the exact height as the lowest vertex seems impossible. I know I can snap the pivot, but that doesnt help me at all in this case.
And when in vertex mode, why does the pivot not go to the selected vertex? is it not supposed to do that manually?
it is very hard to move a vertex around when I have to controll it with a pivot far away from it.
please help 😄
Solved! Go to Solution.
Solved by djonesuk. Go to Solution.
Solved by mspeer. Go to Solution.
With snapping you can solve all noted problems.
You can also try "CVs (click to show)" and
Input Box (use Transform):
"And when in vertex mode, why does the pivot not go to the selected vertex?"
It does, or better it should.
"I know I can snap the pivot, but that doesnt help me at all in this case."
Why not?
If this does not help you, please add more information and focus on one problem per thread.
Thank's for the response!
The link you posted fixed a lot of my problems. Also, my problem with the pivot not being on the selected vertex seems like a maya bugg. I restarted the program a couple of times and it was fixed. I found the input field for the vertex coordinates, but the problem still remains with this and the pivot point. when I press "d" to move pivot mode, the x,v,z input field greys out.
If I have a hollow cylinder, and want the pivot at the end of the cylinder and in the hollow center, there is nothing to snap the pivot too there. How would you do that?
"...when I press "d" to move pivot mode, the x,v,z input field greys out."
Not here, Maya Version and screenshot please.
"How would you do that?"
First Center Pivot, then snap to one of the vertices at the end (you can snap using only one axis.
My Maya version should be the newest one. just downloaded the 2017 student version from their site.
Here is a screenshot while in move pivot mode. I was able to place the pivot with the snap. However, it would be nice to move it with Coordinates.
There is an Input box in the status line (it may be hidden by default but you can reveal it with the > arrow) that you can use to perform absolute or relative move, scale, rotate.
Also search for "Move, rotate, and scale using precise values" in Maya help.
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