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.FBX File Not Importing Into Substance Painter From Maya


.FBX File Not Importing Into Substance Painter From Maya

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Hey there, I am fairly new to using Maya and I was wondering if there are any presets/options to set before exporting a file to a .FBX? The options that I have on when exporting are, the Default File Extension under General Options, Smooth Mesh under Geometry, Convert NURBS Surface is set to NURBS, Embedded Media is on, the Units Scale Factor is set to Automatic, the .FBX File Format Type is ASCII and the version is FBX 2014/2015. I'm wondering if there is anything I need to change or turn on before exporting my Maya project to a .FBX file and opening it up in substance painter? I've tried combining the objects and that makes it work, but my teacher says I am not allowed to Combine the object, I have to work with everything separated.  

Thank You!

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