I am aware that the browser is normally consulted for this, especially, at the initial creation of a scene, but when you are in a hurry this was something I came across and thought might be useful overall for Maya and it should be simple to integrate into an update. In the Rendering Menu set, underneath Lighting/Shading could we see what it was like to have "Assign Existing Material" as a single tear off tab, but only this tab in that section. When you are scrolling through a massive scene and need to change materials that are similar with your new materials. The icons in the browser are great, but reading the full names at times is what is necessary to identify the appropriate texture. In the browser tracking down a texture’s name can get jumbled to appropriate the browser’s window size and icon’s size as well can take up extra screen space for those with limited screen size. When you are working quickly you already know what the material looks like. so you only need to replace the material with the new material The line item list takes up less space on screen and allows for a faster redesigning of a scene, so if you have to make adjustments in the fly it could be easier. I know the menu set spreads out to accommodate a large texture list into a sometimes giant tab or several spaced together, so in the future this newly supposed single tab could have numbers, or boxes, or even arrows, to help shuffle the texture page list to keep a slim one menu size and simply shuffle though the menu tabs of texture list names, so you can find the appropriate texture in one quick place, not that living in the browser is bad, or right click assign is bad, but a tear off page for that menu item would be easy to integrate and make things much later down the pipeline a whole lot easier to identify and alter textures if there are any changes. This is merely a suggestion. Thank you.