Hello people
Please am running Maya 2015 on a razer 2014 edition laptop and am having a problem with xgen
I created a model, detailed it in zbrush and then exported it back to maya 2015 as an obj. But when i try to add (groomable splines based) hair in xgen it works fine until i try masking portions of the model i don't want the hair to be. The model is a scalp of a humanoid and xgen woundn't let me paint a hairline mask on it. I have followed the autodesk xgen tutorial on youtube ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q08WLqixuuE ) but it doesnt work. But it works fine with polygon primitives created in maya. I get all kinds of error messages but these are the most prevailent
# Warning: XGen(Tip): Use the Grooming tools to shape the primitives (C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2015\plug-ins\xgen\scripts\xgenm\ui\dialogs\xgCreateDescription.py:76) #
# Error: line 1: XGen: Couldn't update the xgen mental ray geoshaders. The 'xgen_geo' shader node isn't registered. Make sure Mayatomr plugin is loaded and that xgenMR.so/xgenMR.mi registers without errors. (xgenMR.py:43) #
# Warning: Unrecognized node type 'xgen_hair_phen'; preserving node information during this session. #
setAttr "FaceHair:groom_ScalpShape.length" 0.2;
setAttr "FaceHair:groom_ScalpShape.width" 0.02;
setAttr "FaceHair:groom_ScalpShape.density" 50;
# Traceback (most recent call last):
# File "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2015\plug-ins\xgen\scripts\xgenm\ui\widgets\xgExpressionUI.py", line 1663, in callCreateMap
# self.BuildSlidersLayout(str(expr),True,startcolor,newAttr)
# File "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2015\plug-ins\xgen\scripts\xgenm\ui\widgets\xgExpressionUI.py", line 1890, in BuildSlidersLayout
# unsortedwidgetList.append( MapExpressionUI( self, self.object, self.attr, s.name, s.file, s.mode, s.pos, color, paintOn, mapcolor, parseFilePath(s.file), self.isBrowseMode, self.paint3dCtx ) )
# File "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2015\plug-ins\xgen\scripts\xgenm\ui\widgets\xgExpressionUI.py", line 1106, in __init__
# self.paint()
# File "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2015\plug-ins\xgen\scripts\xgenm\ui\widgets\xgExpressionUI.py", line 1204, in paint
# ptexBaker.start3dPaint( args[2], args[1], self.tpu, self.defaultValue, self.customAttr, self.attr, self.paint3dCtx )
# File "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2015\plug-ins\xgen\scripts\xgenm\ui\widgets\xgExpressionUI.py", line 787, in start3dPaint
# ptexBaker.g_ShapeAttr = ptexBaker.createMayaAttr( defaultValue, shapeAttr )
# File "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2015\plug-ins\xgen\scripts\xgenm\ui\widgets\xgExpressionUI.py", line 937, in createMayaAttr
# cmds.addAttr( shapeChildren[0], longName=shapeAttrName, attributeType="float" )
# RuntimeError: Long name 'FaceHair:Dope_FaceHair:Scalp_HLmask' contains invalid characters.
Does the mesh have UV's? The paint tool requres UV's to work, unfortunately.
Does the mesh have UV's? The paint tool requres UV's to work, unfortunately.
The 3D paint tool only supports UV's in U1 V1. Are the UV's tiled? If they are, you need to move the UV's to U1 V1 or use Mudbox or Mari to paint the maps. This is a know limitation of the paint tool, and we hope to improve this..
// Error: XGen: Searched path includes:
D:/RRJ/stGEORGE02/xgen/collections/coll_snGRG/desHH/Region1/HAIRbase.ptx (Part of path doesn't exist)
C:/Users/A/Documents/xgen/desHH/Region1/HAIRbase.ptx (Part of path doesn't exist)
C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2017/plug-ins/xgen/presets/desHH/Region1/HAIRbase.ptx (Part of path doesn't exist)
here'a the path but no .ptx file D:\RRJ\stGEORGE02\xgen\collections\coll_snGRG\desHH\Region1
What paths do you have in the xgen file path? Are the same as the ones in the error report?
Could you use the length tool instead if that works and set the goal length to 0 and incriment to -1, then just paint where you want no hair
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