Oooo, I'm liking this so far, Sean, but I've run into a few snags.
So, I thought that sculpting on the blue hairs in your file would change the orientation or length of the clump, which it does not. Does it control only the grouping of the base of the clump?
Is there a way to pump the blue splines' sculpt up the chain as well? With the way it's set up now, I'd worry about recursion. EDIT: Yup, if you add a guide to the brown hair and try to push in the blue splines out spline data into the guide's in spline data, Maya locks up, weeps softly and tells you to go away.
I experimented with your file since I'm not quite getting it.
- Changed the density of the blue clump hairs with the density brush. This looks really promising, as a way to control clump size based on body location. However, I couldn't get it to work with a ramp or a checkerboard pumped into the density mask, so I'm not sure if anything but the number and origin points of the blue splines are coming over to the hair at all.
- Sculpting on the brown hair, with the sculpt node under the clump. Works FANTASTIC, exactly how I want to groom clumps. They stick together beautifully. A+
- Changing length with the grab brush, with the preserve length option turned off.
- Same as 3, with the brown hair turned off. What's getting me here is how is what I am doing on the brown description's sculpt layer affecting the blue splines' length and shape. According to the node editor, only the blue splines output data is going into the brown splines input points, so how is this data flowing backward? Is this intended?
- Added a second clump, using the first clump as the control map. Works somewhat as expected, but the tips are REALLY locked down. I can't seem to get the secondary clump to deviate from the first at the tip, even mapping the control mask parameter. The middles of the clump seem to respond, but the tips won't separate out.
- Just a screenshot of the setup from 5.
- Bonus: If you have to change your CV count, make sure you rebuild both the guiding description (the blue) AND the hair. They seem to 'forget' about each other a lot.