Unusual question about Maya


Unusual question about Maya

Not applicable

I want to use Maya 6.0(yes, absolutely this version). But i cant find any sale offer. At your site avaible is only 2016/17/18 version. I cant find it in other sources too!!! To i really have a big problem. Im a game modder and i want to add a lot models to Heroes of Might and Magic V. But without Maya 6 i cant(exist plugin for maya 6; 5 ..... but not for 2016/17...).
Can you help me width this? Its very old software. Can you share me it maybe? It is very important for me. If you can do something about it, I will be very grateful.
Konrad ƚwierczewski from Poland.

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Be very careful with this.  Purchasing is not the same as activation, so if you do find a download or physical media Autodesk isn't automatically obligated to activate it.  Autodesk only sells the most recent version which also entitles the user to run several previous versions, but not as far back as you're requesting.  On top of all that, such old software may have trouble running (including the licensing component) on anything approaching modern hardware and operating systems.  

If you are going to fly by the seat of your pants, expect friction burns.
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