Scale Keys Tool... Broken! (Maya 2017 and 2018)


Scale Keys Tool... Broken! (Maya 2017 and 2018)

Not applicable

Use the Scale Keys Tool described here. Tell me what you get....

(Scale Keys Tool:

Create a sphere.

Animate some translation keys over 100 frames or so.
Select some of the keys in the Graph Editor.
Switch to the Scale Keys Tool. (R key)
In the Scale Tool Settings (for the graph editor!) set it to "Manipulator". Not "Gestural".
UNCKHECK "Only scale selected keys".

Try to scale some keys....

Is it working properly?
For me it's doing some very strange things. It is starting to scale and then it is gradually accelerating the scaling. The best way to describe it is by saying that it is behaving as if there was a "double transform" on keys!
If you have "Only scale selected keys" UNCKHECKED in the scale tool it breaks the REGION TOOL as well (the one next to the lattice tool in the graph editor).

Try using that instead of the scale tool now. Same thing. "Double Transform".

This is all in 2018.3. And it has been broken since 2017!

I guess nobody notices these things... I wonder why.

Perhaps because nobody animates (either) in Maya anymore?

And it goes without saying that NO-ONE beta tests this program either. I mean seriously beta tests it. Like for a living. For money. Cause anyone can beta test it for free. But this is what you get....

This "Only scale selected keys" option (when UNCKHECKED) has caused side effects in other tools  in the past too but never something as bad as this.


Good job MAYA team . You have outdone yourselves. You have exceeded my expectation. I only thought you could break so  much. But you have proven that you are limited only by your imagination when it come to creating bugs. BRAVO!!!!  GO TEAM!


Seriously now. Don't fix it. Nobody cares.


2 Replies
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I can confirm this for Maya 2018.4, but it's not simply double transform, the mouse movement is completely wrong interpreted.

Based on the original position of a rectangle line used for movement along time axis ANY mouse movement (also in y-axis) adds an additional offset for keys along time axis .

For example:

Take the right side of the selection rectangle and move it slightly to the right, then while still clicked move the mouse up and down, keys continue moving to the right.

It's the same for left.


Not applicable

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I got an answer. Not what I was hoping for. It's confirmed that the "Scale keys tool" has been broken for several versions now. I will check again every time there is a new version of Maya to see if it get's fixed. Until then I will just avoid using Maya in such a way that requires any scaling of keys.