Hi all ,
I've been digging in to this for far too long and cant figure out how to list all my dockable locations in the maya UI.
When you show the Outliner , by default it docks to the Veiwport. I cant figure out how to dock my custion UI into that spot.
I can show the Outliner or ChannalboxEditor and TabToControl my UI to the Outliner or ChannalboxEditor
I can TabToControl my UI to the Viewport.
I can dock to the left side of the main window .
but i cant dock to the side of the viewport.
Can anyone please help!.
this is the code Ive been using to test out UI.
I'm using MAYA 2018.3
import weakref import maya.cmds as cmds import maya.OpenMayaUI as omui from shiboken2 import wrapInstance from Qt_py.Qt import QtGui, QtWidgets, QtCore def dock_window(dialog_class): try: cmds.deleteUI(dialog_class.CONTROL_NAME) logger.info('removed workspace {}'.format(dialog_class.CONTROL_NAME)) except: pass # building the workspace control with maya.cmds main_control = cmds.workspaceControl(dialog_class.CONTROL_NAME, ttc=["Outliner", -1],iw=300, mw=True, wp='preferred', label = dialog_class.DOCK_LABEL_NAME) # now lets get a C++ pointer to it using OpenMaya control_widget = omui.MQtUtil.findControl(dialog_class.CONTROL_NAME) # conver the C++ pointer to Qt object we can use control_wrap = wrapInstance(long(control_widget), QtWidgets.QWidget) # control_wrap is the widget of the docking window and now we can start working with it: control_wrap.setAttribute(QtCore.Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose) win = dialog_class(control_wrap) # after maya is ready we should restore the window since it may not be visible cmds.evalDeferred(lambda *args: cmds.workspaceControl(main_control, e=True, rs=True)) # will return the class of the dock content. return win.run() class MyDockingUI(QtWidgets.QWidget): instances = list() CONTROL_NAME = 'my_workspcae_control' DOCK_LABEL_NAME = 'my workspcae control' def __init__(self, parent=None): super(MyDockingUI, self).__init__(parent) # let's keep track of our docks so we only have one at a time. MyDockingUI.delete_instances() self.__class__.instances.append(weakref.proxy(self)) self.window_name = self.CONTROL_NAME self.ui = parent self.main_layout = parent.layout() self.main_layout.setContentsMargins(2, 2, 2, 2) # here we can start coding our UI self.my_label = QtWidgets.QLabel('hello world!') self.main_layout.addWidget(self.my_label) @staticmethod def delete_instances(): for ins in MyDockingUI.instances: logger.info('Delete {}'.format(ins)) try: ins.setParent(None) ins.deleteLater() except: # ignore the fact that the actual parent has already been deleted by Maya... pass MyDockingUI.instances.remove(ins) del ins def run(self): return self # this is where we call the window my_dock = dock_window(MyDockingUI) cmds.workspaceControl("Outliner",edit=True, restore=True) cmds.workspaceControl("ChannelBoxLayerEditor",edit=True, restore=True) # COMMANDS TO MOVE WINDOW AROUND #cmds.workspaceControl("my_workspcae_control",edit=True, tabToControl=( "Outliner" ,-1)) #cmds.workspaceControl("my_workspcae_control",edit=True, tabToControl=( 'MainPane' ,-1)) #cmds.workspaceControl("my_workspcae_control",edit=True, dockToMainWindow=( "left", True)) #cmds.workspaceControl("my_workspcae_control",edit=True, dockToPanel=( 'MainPane', 'left' ,-1)) #cmds.workspaceControl("my_workspcae_control",edit=True, tabToControl=( "ChannelBoxLayerEditor" ,-1))
Solved! Go to Solution.
Solved by cheng_xi_li. Go to Solution.
A colleague of mine found these online
MAIN_WORKAREA = mel.eval('$gWorkAreaForm=$gWorkAreaForm')
MAIN_PANE = mel.eval('$gViewportWorkspaceControl=$gViewportWorkspaceControl')
CHAN_LAYER_EDITOR = mel.eval('getUIComponentDockControl("Channel Box / Layer Editor", false)')
OUTLINER = mel.eval('getUIComponentDockControl("Outliner", false)')
SHELF = mel.eval('getUIComponentToolBar("Shelf", false)')
TIME_SLIDER = mel.eval('getUIComponentToolBar("Time Slider", false)')
RANGE_SLIDER = mel.eval('getUIComponentToolBar("Range Slider", false)')
COMMAND_LINE = mel.eval('getUIComponentToolBar("Command Line", false)')
HELP_LINE = mel.eval('getUIComponentToolBar("Help Line", false)')
TOOL_BOX = mel.eval('getUIComponentToolBar("Tool Box", false)')
You could find the workspaceNames in
scripts/others/texturePanelShow.mel and UVToolkitPanel.mel
I am afraid there isn't a command for listing all dockable areas.
Thanks for the insight . I was able to find the UI name in the mel script repository.
Updated list
"CHAN_LAYER_EDITOR": mel.eval('getUIComponentDockControl("Channel Box / Layer Editor", false)'),
"OUTLINER": mel.eval('getUIComponentDockControl("Outliner", false)'),
"SHELF": mel.eval('getUIComponentToolBar("Shelf", false)'),
"TIME_SLIDER": mel.eval('getUIComponentToolBar("Time Slider", false)'),
"RANGE_SLIDER": mel.eval('getUIComponentToolBar("Range Slider", false)'),
"COMMAND_LINE": mel.eval('getUIComponentToolBar("Command Line", false)'),
"HELP_LINE": mel.eval('getUIComponentToolBar("Help Line", false)'),
"TOOL_BOX": mel.eval('getUIComponentToolBar("Tool Box", false)'),
"TOOL_SETTINGS": mel.eval('getUIComponentDockControl("Tool Settings", false)'),
"UV_EDITOR": "polyTexturePlacementPanel1Window",
"UV_TOOLKIT": "UVToolkitDockControl"
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