HI Sean. Sorry in advance, I wasn't sure how to respond to both you and mspeer without doing some repeating. Unfortunately as per your question about both yours and mspeers responses I think something maybe going missing in my description so hopefully what I wrote to him may clarify it a bit more.
What I responded to him:
"Maybe something is getting lost between the lines (no pun intended)but, I do understand how the Distance Tool works with values based on the working units in measurements of the scene and grid but (and this is the problem)only in a scale from 1-10 (unless there is a setting to change that which Is exactly what I want to find and thought I had at one point). What my hope was to be able to use the Distance Tool as a form of real world ruler or measuring tape. A much more useful tool, in my opinion, then whatever its intended purpose is now.
I for instance have set my scene to use feet and my grid to display a grid line every 1 unit, with subdivisions of 12, so equaling 1 measurement of foot broken down to 12 inches to form a foot. I want to create a board for my bookshelf in my scene that measures 7ft and 8 and 3/4 inches or 92 and 3/4 inches. With a useful Distance Tool or the ability to change the units that the Distance tool works or measures by to units of 12, I would then quickly and easily be able to measure out 92.75 but, with using the Distance Tool measuring units by 10 only, is much harder math. Keeping my scene in milometers or centimeters both makes it even more complicated, more math and much larger numbers needed to be measured by, not to mentioning having to struggle with the metric conversion. What if I want to measure a building and we are talking feet and meters and then inches and fraction of inches?
So a setting for the Distance Tool and its location if I'm not crazy and there is actually one would be what I would love. Or if there is some other form of ruler/ measuring tool that you know of that would work more in that way would be equally as useful. Thank you again for your help and thank you in advance for any further info."
Does that help better describe the issue I'm having?
Again Thank you all around for your help.