Forgive me if the answer is simple but this problem torments me for days.
I have a problem with the nHair, in particular when i create eyebrows and eyelashes with a brush of Paint effect.
I summarize below for clarity:
- Create the eyelashes or a strand of hair from a brush "paint effect"
- Convert paint effect to curves
- I select curves and polygon on which to attack the hair
- "Make selected curves dynamic" (attack curves and curves are checked)
at this time, when I do the tests of the simulation, if I try to move the character or animate the character, the hair move, BUT detach from the surface, as if he had a different pivot point. Only manually bringing the character behind the hair will meet again with the surface, but as soon as I move the vertices that also influence the follicles or character begin to give the same error.
The UV map is correct. For testing I also created a new project as in the picture, an object, one curve, to minimize the error but the problem remains!
while if I use the curves made by hand from the EP curves tool, the problem does not arise!
I can not create hundreds of lines manually so complex, as a brush of paint effects!
Do you have solutions?