I have a scene with a car driving on a dusty road. I created 4 nParticle emitters for the four wheels, so that I can emit the fluid sim from the particles. The particles are cached out and I applied a fluid sim, with autoresize on. Because the emitters are moving pretty fast the fluidcontainer is getting pretty big and heavy which is why I am not able to cache out the fluids. As of frame 40 the cache files are only 9kb in size until Maya finally crashes all the time.
Now I want to export the particles into a cleaner scene (the old one is setup to real world scale with much geometry in it). I select the emitters, ParticleShapes and nucleus and then export the selection into a new .mb or .ma. It is so buggy, or maybe I am doing it wrong. Either I can not export at all, the new scene is empty or I can not resave the new scene.
What is the correct workflow for exporting cached particles?