I got the error that time! thank you for adding that extra bit for clarification.
So I did a quick look at your setup, and it looks like "L_OuterBrow_Down" does not exist for your blendshape setup:

As a double check, I did an attribute query from the script editor, and it indeed does not exist. The Up one says it's there, but the down one does not. Maybe you need to re-add it to the blendshape? Here's the MEL for script editor checking:
attributeQuery -node "L_BrowBlend" -exists "L_OuterBrow_Up";
//Returns 1
attributeQuery -node "L_BrowBlend" -exists "L_OuterBrow_Down";
//Returns 0
So yea maybe just try re-adding the L_OuterBrow_Down to the blendshape, and that should fix it. Hope that helps!