I think I understand what you want to do. The only thing not clear is your "list". How do you propose presenting the list of choices? Are you familiar with how blendShapes work in Maya? You can apply the same idea to your situation. Blendshapes take any number of different shapes ( in your case, animations) and allows a blending (in your case, a selection) between them. In your cube example, you would have your presented cube. You could add the choices as an enum attribute. Now reference in all of your various cube animations. I recommend referencing so that you don't inadvertently alter anything in the referenced files. Now use a choice node to connect attributes together. How your cubes are animated will dictate how your connections are made. For instance, if all you have are transform animations, such as translates , rotates, scales and shears, then you could get away with just one choice node. Connect the matrices of each reference cube to the choice node and drive the selector with your enum attribute. But you mentioned an "Exploding" option. I'm assuming the cube breaks apart. In which case, the choice node won't work. Actually, nothing will work other than to control the visibility of the cubes. This is because the number of points and faces would be different, so excluding blendShapes. I hope that's clear.
Actually, now that I think about it, if you're animation choices are still applied to a cube (meaning each animation has it's own cube), then why not just control the visibility of each animated cube with condition nodes?