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Proximity Wrap "driverBindGeometry" GPU evaluation error.

Message 1 of 6
786 Views, 5 Replies

Proximity Wrap "driverBindGeometry" GPU evaluation error.

I've recently encountered what I think it's a bug or something like that. How to reproduce it:

  1. Create a polySphere (or any other mesh with enough topology to take advantage of the GPU override)
  2. Create two polyPlanes or nurbsSurfaces (this time the poly count doesn't matter)
  3. Deform this two polyPlanes with the same simple "cluster" or any other deformer (double check that both have the same topology and are deformed the same way)
  4. Add a Proximity Wrap deformer to the polySphere and use one of the two polyPlanes as a driver.
    Now you will see that the "Orig" shape of this polyPlane is being used as the "driverBindGeometry". (The difference between both of these geometries is used to deformer our polySphere)
  5. Now use the second polyPlane as the "driverBindGeometry" (this is the same setup that you would be doing with a common wrap deformer by deforming the "Base" copy of the driver mesh).

Since both polyPlanes are deformed in the same way, animating our cluster shouldn't produce any kind of deformation to our polySphere (it's important to place some keyframes so the GPU override does not ignore our polySphere). But this is not the case, when the ProximityWrap "mode" is set to "surface" some deformations appear and it's not until we hide and unhide our polySphere that we can actually see the real deformation (None). Setting the ProximityWrap "mode" to "offset" makes it work as expected.


Is this a bug?
It's a know bug/limitation?
Does any one have work-around?
Is this the way I should be reporting what I believe it's a bug?

I'm using Maya2022.3 on Windows and Linux


I've attached a video and screenshot.



Message 2 of 6
in reply to: roure_osso

Try switching your evaluation mode to DG

Message 3 of 6
in reply to: mcw0

Well, ofc that would work, turning off the GPU override or preventing the mesh to be evaluated by the GPU would too...

But I can't force an entire pipeline to switch to DG mode because a single deformer, that is supposed to be taking advantage of the GPU override, does it incorrectly 😅

Message 4 of 6

Hello Rourexs,

Animated originalShape as proximityWrap driver shouldn't go active on GPU. The fact that it is on GPU is unexpected result and that's the reason maya is giving incorrect deformation.

An internal ticket MAYA-121224 has been created regarding to this issue. 

Thank you for reporting.

Message 5 of 6
in reply to: roure_osso

Take look at this awesome custom GPU & Multithreaded wrap deformer for CFX, Rigging and others alternative.

Used on Hellboy 2019 by Mr.X:

Website: 3D Tools for Animation & VFX 


Message 6 of 6
in reply to: roure_osso

@jackie.zhangMQD28   Hi, is this being fixed any time soon? I was surprised to see that this is still a problem in Maya 2024:


  1. Create "nurbsSurface1"
  2. Create "nurbsSurface2" (identically to the first one)
  3. Create a mesh that can be evaluated by the GPU 
  4. Create one cluster on each surface, both surfaces should deform the same way
  5.  Create a proximity Wrap for the mesh and use "nurbsSurface1" as driver and "nurbsSurface2" as "driverBindGeometry"  

With this setup the deformer will still fail to compute 

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