problem with my FK/IK Switch blend on the legs is it that difficult?
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01:45 PM
Hello, this problem is being driving me crazy for 2 weeks, and no one can solve it, is it that difficult??
I did the left leg with the blendcolours node for the fk and ik ac o. however with the right leg, when i connect a blendcolours FK/IK switch to my original skeleton it translates the joints to a different position.
i spotted something and im not sure if it has something to do:
on the left leg, all the joints have the same position for example (left original, fk and ik joints have a translateX -0.988,)
however, on the right leg, the original joints have a translateX -0.988 and the FK and IK joints have a translateX -3.167)
when i used the blend node for the switch original joints move to translateX-3.167.
why is that?
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