Ive found a trouble during rigging, and hane no answer.
Preview is attached.
Vertexes work strange way, not linear.
setup: skin + blendshapes.
Separately skin or blendshape works ok, linear way. But together these nodes make vertexes behavior look like falloff or curve way.
frames 0-10
Preview up - without blendshape. Linear move bone (0-10 Z coordinate)
Down one - skin+blendshape (0-1).
Start and final destination is ok, percantage of every node parameter is perfect linear. On frame 8 bone haz 8 in Z and blendshape is 0.8. But vertexes make some chaos when these 2 nodes work together.
Ive spend some time in node editor looking for more setup, but found nothing special.
I dont wanna make an army of between-shapes. Its better to find the right way