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Need help in executing python script !!


Need help in executing python script !!


I tried running the script with python tab but nothing happens.

I've placed the script into maya directory folder \Documents\maya\2020\scripts.

It's a script for creating cmuscle spline i was following along a tutorial.

any help would be much appreciated 😊


import string
import maya.cmds as cmds

def make_spline(side, description, index, ctrl_num=3, jnt_num=5, control_mid=True):
    create cMuscleSpline

    This script is simply convert from Maya muscle's mel script
    the mel script location is C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2020/scripts/muscle/cMuscleSplineUI.mel, line 660 cMS_makeSpline

    made some changes with the naming to fit current pipeline
    add some global offset attr so user can plug into global control to do some overall control

        side(str): muscle spline's side, 'l', 'r' or 'm'
        description(str): muscle spline's description
        index(i): muscle spline's index
        ctrl_num(i): how many controls needed, default is 3
        jnt_num(i): how many joints needed, default is 5
        control_mid(bool): the start/end control will control in-between controls with falloff, default is True

        spline(str): cMuscleSpline node name
        controls(list): spline controls
        joints(list): spline joints
        group(str): root group for the spline setup
    # make master groups
    grp_main = cmds.createNode('transform',
                               name='grp_{}_{}MusSpline_{:03d}'.format(side, description, index))

    # c muscle spline node
    spline = cmds.createNode('cMuscleSpline',
                             name='cMuscleSpline_{}_{}MusSpline_{:03d}Shape'.format(side, description, index))
    # lock label attrs
    cmds.setAttr(spline + '.DISPLAY', lock=True)
    cmds.setAttr(spline + '.TANGENTS', lock=True)
    cmds.setAttr(spline + '.LENGTH', lock=True)

    # get the transform node of spline shape and parent it under master group
    transform_spline = cmds.listRelatives(spline, parent=True)[0]
    cmds.parent(transform_spline, grp_main)
    # set inheritsTransform to 0 to avoid double transformation
    cmds.setAttr(transform_spline + '.inheritsTransform', 0)
    # lock the attrs because it shouldn't move
    for attr in 'trs':
        for axis in 'xyz':
            cmds.setAttr('{}.{}{}'.format(transform_spline, attr, axis), lock=True, keyable=False)
    # connect time to drive the spline
    cmds.connectAttr('time1.outTime', spline + '.inTime', force=True)
    # create some attrs so user can view easily in channel box
    cmds.addAttr(spline, longName='curLen', keyable=True)
    cmds.connectAttr(spline + '.outLen', spline + '.curLen')

    # add squash/stretch volume attr to connect with other controller
    cmds.addAttr(spline, longName='squashXMult', attributeType='float', minValue=0, defaultValue=1)
    cmds.addAttr(spline, longName='squashZMult', attributeType='float', minValue=0, defaultValue=1)
    cmds.addAttr(spline, longName='stretchXMult', attributeType='float', minValue=0, defaultValue=1)
    cmds.addAttr(spline, longName='stretchZMult', attributeType='float', minValue=0, defaultValue=1)

    # add global attr so it can be easily plugged with global control
    cmds.addAttr(spline, longName='jiggleMult', defaultValue=1)
    cmds.addAttr(spline, longName='jiggleXMult', defaultValue=1)
    cmds.addAttr(spline, longName='jiggleYMult', defaultValue=1)
    cmds.addAttr(spline, longName='jiggleZMult', defaultValue=1)
    cmds.addAttr(spline, longName='jiggleImpactMult', defaultValue=1)

    # ctrl grp
    grp_ctrls = cmds.createNode('transform',
                                name='grp_{}_{}MusSplineControls_{:03d}'.format(side, description, index))
    cmds.parent(grp_ctrls, grp_main)
    for attr in 'trs':
        for axis in 'xyz':
            cmds.setAttr('{}.{}{}'.format(grp_ctrls, attr, axis), lock=True, keyable=False)

    # driven grp for joints
    grp_driven = cmds.createNode('transform',
                                 name='grp_{}_{}MusSplineJoints_{:03d}'.format(side, description, index))
    cmds.parent(grp_driven, grp_main)
    cmds.setAttr(grp_driven + '.inheritsTransform', 0)
    for attr in 'trs':
        for axis in 'xyz':
            cmds.setAttr('{}.{}{}'.format(grp_driven, attr, axis), lock=True, keyable=False)

    ctrls = []
    # make controls
    for i in range(ctrl_num):
        ctrl_name = 'ctrl_{}_{}MusSpline{}_{:03d}'.format(side, description, string.ascii_uppercase[i], index)

        # create curve
        ctrl = cmds.curve(point=[[-0.5, -0.5, -0.5], [-0.5, -0.5, 0.5], [0.5, -0.5, 0.5], [0.5, -0.5, -0.5],
                                 [-0.5, -0.5, -0.5], [-0.5, 0.5, -0.5], [0.5, 0.5, -0.5], [0.5, -0.5, -0.5],
                                 [0.5, -0.5, 0.5], [0.5, 0.5, 0.5], [0.5, 0.5, -0.5], [0.5, 0.5, 0.5],
                                 [-0.5, 0.5, 0.5], [-0.5, -0.5, 0.5], [-0.5, 0.5, 0.5], [-0.5, 0.5, -0.5]],
                          knot=[0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0, 11.0, 12.0, 13.0, 14.0, 15.0],
        # rename curve shape
        cmds.rename(cmds.listRelatives(ctrl, shapes=True)[0], ctrl_name + 'Shape')

        # add to list

        # make control hierarchy
        ctrl_nodes = []
        for node_type in ['zero', 'driven', 'connect', 'offset']:
            grp = cmds.createNode('transform', name=ctrl.replace('ctrl', node_type))

        # parent hierarchy
        cmds.parent(ctrl, ctrl_nodes[-1])
        cmds.parent(ctrl_nodes[-1], ctrl_nodes[-2])
        cmds.parent(ctrl_nodes[-2], ctrl_nodes[1])
        cmds.parent(ctrl_nodes[1], ctrl_nodes[0])

        # store zero node to variable
        zero = ctrl_nodes[0]

        # place controls vertically
        cmds.setAttr(zero + '.translateY', i)

        # parent zero group to control group
        cmds.parent(zero, grp_ctrls)

        # color control
        ctrl_shape = cmds.listRelatives(ctrl, shapes=True)[0]
        cmds.setAttr(ctrl_shape + '.overrideEnabled', 1)

        if side == 'l':
            color = 28
        elif side == 'r':
            color = 31
            color = 26
        cmds.setAttr(ctrl_shape + '.overrideColor', color)

        # add jiggle value, make sure start and end not jiggle
        if 0 < i < ctrl_num - 1:
            jiggle = 1
            jiggle = 0

        # add attrs
        cmds.addAttr(ctrl, longName='tangentLength', shortName='tanlen', minValue=0, defaultValue=1, keyable=True)
        cmds.addAttr(ctrl, longName='jiggle', shortName='jig', defaultValue=jiggle, minValue=0, keyable=True)
        cmds.addAttr(ctrl, longName='jiggleX', shortName='jigx', defaultValue=jiggle, minValue=0, keyable=True)
        cmds.addAttr(ctrl, longName='jiggleY', shortName='jigy', defaultValue=jiggle * 0.25, minValue=0, keyable=True)
        cmds.addAttr(ctrl, longName='jiggleZ', shortName='jigz', defaultValue=jiggle, minValue=0, keyable=True)
        cmds.addAttr(ctrl, longName='jiggleImpact', shortName='jigimp', defaultValue=jiggle * 0.5, minValue=0,
        cmds.addAttr(ctrl, longName='jiggleImpactStart', shortName='jigimpst', defaultValue=1000, minValue=0,
        cmds.addAttr(ctrl, longName='jiggleImpactStop', shortName='jigimpsp', defaultValue=0.001, minValue=0,
        cmds.addAttr(ctrl, longName='cycle', shortName='cyc', minValue=1, defaultValue=12, keyable=True)
        cmds.addAttr(ctrl, longName='rest', shortName='rst', minValue=1, defaultValue=24, keyable=True)

        # lock hide scale and vis
        for attr in ['sx', 'sy', 'sz', 'v']:
            cmds.setAttr('{}.{}'.format(ctrl, attr), lock=True, keyable=False)

        # connect attr
        cmds.connectAttr(ctrl + '.worldMatrix[0]', '{}.controlData[{}].insertMatrix'.format(spline, i))

        # connect jiggle attr with global mult attr, then plug into controlData
        for attr in ['jiggle', 'jiggleX', 'jiggleY', 'jiggleZ', 'jiggleImpact']:
            # mult node
            mult = 'mult_{}_{}MusSpline{}{}{}_{:03d}'.format(side, description, string.ascii_uppercase[i],
                                                             attr[0].upper(), attr[1:], index)
            cmds.createNode('multDoubleLinear', name=mult)
            cmds.connectAttr('{}.{}'.format(ctrl, attr), mult + '.input1')
            cmds.connectAttr('{}.{}Mult'.format(spline, attr), mult + '.input2')

            # connect output to controlData
            cmds.connectAttr(mult + '.output', '{}.controlData[{}].{}'.format(spline, i, attr))

        # connect other attrs directly into controlData
        for attr in ['tangentLength', 'jiggleImpactStart', 'jiggleImpactStop', 'cycle', 'rest']:
            cmds.connectAttr('{}.{}'.format(ctrl, attr), '{}.controlData[{}].{}'.format(spline, i, attr))

    # control mid points
    if control_mid:
        for i in range(1, ctrl_num - 1):
            # get weight value
            weight = i / float(ctrl_num - 1)

            # get driven group
            driven = ctrls[i].replace('ctrl', 'driven')

            # point constraint with start and end
            pont_con = cmds.pointConstraint(ctrls[0], ctrls[-1], driven, maintainOffset=False)[0]
            cmds.setAttr('{}.{}W0'.format(pont_con, ctrls[0]), 1 - weight)
            cmds.setAttr('{}.{}W1'.format(pont_con, ctrls[-1]), weight)

            # aim constraint dummy node to start and end, and blend to ctrl's orient
            grp_aim_start = 'grp_{}_{}MusSpline{}AimStart_{:03d}'.format(side, description,
                                                                         string.ascii_uppercase[i], index)
            grp_aim_end = 'grp_{}_{}MusSpline{}AimEnd_{:03d}'.format(side, description,
                                                                     string.ascii_uppercase[i], index)

            cmds.createNode('transform', name=grp_aim_start)
            cmds.createNode('transform', name=grp_aim_end)

            # snap to control's position
            cmds.matchTransform(grp_aim_start, grp_aim_end, driven, pos=True, rot=True)
            # parent dummy groups under zero
            cmds.parent(grp_aim_start, grp_aim_end, driven.replace('driven', 'zero'))

            # aim constraint with start and end
            aim_start = cmds.aimConstraint(ctrls[0], grp_aim_start, aimVector=[0, -1, 0], upVector=[1, 0, 0],
                                           worldUpVector=[1, 0, 0], worldUpType='objectrotation',
                                           worldUpObject=ctrls[0], maintainOffset=False)[0]
            aim_end = cmds.aimConstraint(ctrls[-1], grp_aim_end, aimVector=[0, 1, 0], upVector=[1, 0, 0],
                                         worldUpVector=[1, 0, 0], worldUpType='objectrotation',
                                         worldUpObject=ctrls[-1], maintainOffset=False)[0]

            # add blend attr to chose either aim with x up or z up
            blend = 'blend_{}_{}MusSpline{}AimUp_{:03d}'.format(side, description,
                                                                string.ascii_uppercase[i], index)
            if not cmds.objExists(blend):
                cmds.createNode('blendColors', name=blend)
                cmds.connectAttr(spline + '.upAxis', blend + '.blender')
                cmds.setAttr(blend + '.color1', 0, 0, 1)
                cmds.setAttr(blend + '.color2', 1, 0, 0)

            # connect blend to aim constraint
            for attr in ['upVector', 'worldUpVector']:
                cmds.connectAttr(blend + '.output', '{}.{}'.format(aim_start, attr))
                cmds.connectAttr(blend + '.output', '{}.{}'.format(aim_end, attr))

            # connect point constraint's output to dummy groups since they are the same place with driver
            for attr in ['translateX', 'translateY', 'translateZ']:
                for grp in [grp_aim_start, grp_aim_end]:
                    cmds.connectAttr('{}.constraint{}{}'.format(pont_con, attr[0].upper(), attr[1:]),
                                     '{}.{}'.format(grp, attr))

            # orient constraint dummy groups with driver
            ont_con = cmds.orientConstraint(grp_aim_start, grp_aim_end, driven, maintainOffset=False)[0]
            cmds.setAttr(ont_con + '.interpType', 2)
            cmds.setAttr('{}.{}W0'.format(ont_con, grp_aim_start), 1 - weight)
            cmds.setAttr('{}.{}W1'.format(ont_con, grp_aim_end), weight)

    # create joints
    jnts = []
    for i in range(jnt_num):
        # get u value
        u_val = i / float(jnt_num - 1)

        # joint name
        jnt = 'jnt_{}_{}MusSpline{:03d}_{:03d}'.format(side, description, i + 1, index)

        # create joint
        cmds.createNode('joint', name=jnt)

        # append to jnts list

        # add uValue to joint
        cmds.addAttr(jnt, longName='uValue', minValue=0, maxValue=1, defaultValue=u_val, keyable=True)

        # parent to driven group
        cmds.parent(jnt, grp_driven)

        # connect attr
        cmds.connectAttr(jnt + '.uValue', '{}.readData[{}].readU'.format(spline, i))
        cmds.connectAttr(jnt + '.rotateOrder', '{}.readData[{}].readRotOrder'.format(spline, i))
        cmds.connectAttr('{}.outputData[{}].outTranslate'.format(spline, i), jnt + '.translate')
        cmds.connectAttr('{}.outputData[{}].outRotate'.format(spline, i), jnt + '.rotate')

        # add scale x, z
        # get scale weight, the middle point should be 1, and falloff till the start/end point
        mid_num = (jnt_num - 1) * 0.5
        scale_weight = 1 - (abs(mid_num - i) / float(mid_num))**2
        if scale_weight != 0:
            # not the start/end point

            # add scale x and scale z attr to spline so user can tweak individually
            cmds.addAttr(spline, longName='joint{:03d}SquashX'.format(i + 1), attributeType='float', minValue=0,
                         defaultValue=1 + scale_weight, keyable=True)
            cmds.addAttr(spline, longName='joint{:03d}StretchX'.format(i + 1), attributeType='float', minValue=0,
                         defaultValue=1 - scale_weight * 0.9, keyable=True)
            cmds.addAttr(spline, longName='joint{:03d}SquashZ'.format(i + 1), attributeType='float', minValue=0,
                         defaultValue=1 + scale_weight, keyable=True)
            cmds.addAttr(spline, longName='joint{:03d}StretchZ'.format(i + 1), attributeType='float', minValue=0,
                         defaultValue=1 - scale_weight * 0.9, keyable=True)

            # add blend node to blend squash stretch
            blend_squash = 'blend_{}_{}MusSplineSquash{:03d}_{:03d}'.format(side, description, i + 1, index)
            blend_stretch = 'blend_{}_{}MusSplineStretch{:03d}_{:03d}'.format(side, description, i + 1, index)

            cmds.createNode('blendColors', name=blend_squash)
            cmds.createNode('blendColors', name=blend_stretch)

            # connect blender with spline's outPctSquash/Stretch
            cmds.connectAttr(spline + '.outPctSquash', blend_squash + '.blender')
            cmds.connectAttr(spline + '.outPctStretch', blend_stretch + '.blender')
            cmds.setAttr(blend_squash + '.color2', 1, 1, 1)
            cmds.setAttr(blend_stretch + '.color2', 1, 1, 1)

            # mult node to multiply individual joint squash and stretch with global mult
            mult_squash = 'mult_{}_{}MusSplineSquash{:03d}_{:03d}'.format(side, description, i + 1, index)
            mult_stretch = 'mult_{}_{}MusSplineStretch{:03d}_{:03d}'.format(side, description, i + 1, index)

            cmds.createNode('multiplyDivide', name=mult_squash)
            cmds.createNode('multiplyDivide', name=mult_stretch)

            cmds.connectAttr('{}.joint{:03d}SquashX'.format(spline, i + 1), mult_squash + '.input1X')
            cmds.connectAttr('{}.joint{:03d}SquashZ'.format(spline, i + 1), mult_squash + '.input1Z')
            cmds.connectAttr('{}.joint{:03d}StretchX'.format(spline, i + 1), mult_stretch + '.input1X')
            cmds.connectAttr('{}.joint{:03d}StretchZ'.format(spline, i + 1), mult_stretch + '.input1Z')
            cmds.connectAttr(spline + '.squashXMult', mult_squash + '.input2X')
            cmds.connectAttr(spline + '.squashZMult', mult_squash + '.input2Z')
            cmds.connectAttr(spline + '.stretchXMult', mult_stretch + '.input2X')
            cmds.connectAttr(spline + '.stretchZMult', mult_stretch + '.input2Z')

            # connect to blend colors input1X
            cmds.connectAttr(mult_squash + '.output', blend_squash + '.color1')
            cmds.connectAttr(mult_stretch + '.output', blend_stretch + '.color1')

            # plus node to add scale together
            plus = 'plus_{}_{}MusSplineSquashStretch{:03d}_{:03d}'.format(side, description, i + 1, index)
            cmds.createNode('plusMinusAverage', name=plus)
            cmds.connectAttr(blend_squash + '.output', plus + '.input3D[0]')
            cmds.connectAttr(blend_stretch + '.output', plus + '.input3D[1]')
            cmds.setAttr(plus + '.input3D[2]', -1, -1, -1)

            # multiply node to mult global scale
            mult_scale = 'mult_{}_{}MusSplineScale{:03d}_{:03d}'.format(side, description, i + 1, index)
            cmds.createNode('multiplyDivide', name=mult_scale)
            cmds.connectAttr(plus + '.output3D', mult_scale + '.input1')
            cmds.connectAttr(spline + '.userScale', mult_scale + '.input2X')
            cmds.connectAttr(spline + '.userScale', mult_scale + '.input2Y')
            cmds.connectAttr(spline + '.userScale', mult_scale + '.input2Z')

            # connect back to joint
            cmds.connectAttr(mult_scale + '.outputX', jnt + '.scaleX')
            cmds.connectAttr(mult_scale + '.outputZ', jnt + '.scaleZ')
            cmds.connectAttr(spline + '.userScale', jnt + '.scaleY')

            cmds.connectAttr(spline + '.userScale', jnt + '.scaleX')
            cmds.connectAttr(spline + '.userScale', jnt + '.scaleY')
            cmds.connectAttr(spline + '.userScale', jnt + '.scaleZ')

    # set squash stretch values
    # get length
    length = cmds.getAttr(spline + '.outLen')
    # set default length
    cmds.setAttr(spline + '.lenDefault', length)
    # stretch and squash
    cmds.setAttr(spline + '.lenSquash', length * 0.25)
    cmds.setAttr(spline + '.lenStretch', length * 2.5)

    return spline, ctrls, jnts, grp_main

def add_spline(mus_joint, joint_number=5, control_number=3, control_mid=True, mirror=True, scale_attr=None):
    add cMuscle spline setup to given muscle joint

        mus_joint (str): muscle joint need to add cMuscle spline setup
        joint_number (int): cMuscle spline joints number
        control_number (int): cMuscle spline controls number
        control_mid (bool): constraint the mid controller with start/end controller, default is True
        mirror (bool): mirror to the right side
        scale_attr (str): global scale attribute
    # get name parts
    name_parts = mus_joint.split('_')
    side = name_parts[1]
    description = name_parts[2]
    index = int(name_parts[3])

    # get muscle info
    mus_group = cmds.listRelatives(mus_joint, parent=True)[0]
    end_joint = cmds.listRelatives(mus_joint, children=True, type='joint')[0]
    aim_locator = 'loc_{}_{}AimTarget_{:03d}'.format(side, description, index)
    grp_locator = aim_locator.replace('loc_', 'driven_')
    pnt_con = cmds.listConnections(grp_locator, source=True, destination=False, plugs=False)[0]
    driver_node = cmds.listConnections(pnt_con + '.target[0].targetTranslate', source=True, destination=False,

    # get world up vector
    aim_vector = [1, 0, 0]
    world_up_vector = [0, 1, 0]
    if side == 'r':
        aim_vector = [-1, 0, 0]
        world_up_vector = [0, -1, 0]

    # create cMuscle spline
    spline_node, ctrls, jnts, grp_spline = make_spline(side, description, index, ctrl_num=control_number,
                                                       jnt_num=joint_number, control_mid=control_mid)

    # create pos group to present muscle joint's position
    grp_pos = 'zero_{}_{}MusSpline_{:03d}'.format(side, description, index)
    cmds.createNode('transform', name=grp_pos)
    cmds.matchTransform(grp_pos, mus_joint, position=True, rotation=True)
    cmds.parent(grp_pos, mus_group)

    # connect with muscle joint's position
    cmds.connectAttr(mus_joint + '.translate', grp_pos + '.translate')
    cmds.connectAttr(mus_joint + '.rotate', grp_pos + '.rotate')

    # parent to muscle joint
    cmds.parent(grp_spline, grp_pos)
    # snap the position
    cmds.matchTransform(grp_spline, grp_pos, position=True, rotation=True)
    # do a temp aim constraint to orient the group
    cmds.delete(cmds.aimConstraint(end_joint, grp_spline, aimVector=[0, 1, 0], upVector=[-1, 0, 0],
                                   worldUpType='objectrotation', worldUpObject=mus_joint,
                                   worldUpVector=world_up_vector, maintainOffset=False))

    # snap each control to its position
    # snap the end control
    cmds.matchTransform(ctrls[-1].replace('ctrl', 'zero'), end_joint, position=True, rotation=False)

    # snap the in-between so driven node will get lesser offset value
    for i in range(1, control_number - 1):
        # get weight value
        weight = i / float(control_number - 1)

        # get zero group
        zero = ctrls[i].replace('ctrl', 'zero')

        # point constraint with start and end
        pnt_con = cmds.pointConstraint(ctrls[0], ctrls[-1], zero, maintainOffset=False)[0]
        cmds.setAttr('{}.{}W0'.format(pnt_con, ctrls[0]), 1 - weight)
        cmds.setAttr('{}.{}W1'.format(pnt_con, ctrls[-1]), weight)

        # delete point constraint

    # point constraint end control driven with muscle joint's end joint
    ctrl_end_driven = ctrls[-1].replace('ctrl', 'driven')
    cmds.pointConstraint(aim_locator, ctrl_end_driven, maintainOffset=False)

    # reverse aim set up for end control
    aim_node = cmds.createNode('transform', name='grp_{}_{}EndAim_{:03d}'.format(side, description, index))
    zero_aim_node = cmds.createNode('transform', name=aim_node.replace('grp', 'zero'))
    cmds.parent(aim_node, zero_aim_node)

    cmds.matchTransform(zero_aim_node, end_joint, position=True)

    # parent to driver node
    cmds.parent(zero_aim_node, driver_node)

    # temp aim back to muscle group to get orientation
    cmds.delete(cmds.aimConstraint(mus_joint, zero_aim_node, maintainOffset=False,
                                   aimVector=aim_vector, upVector=world_up_vector,
                                   worldUpType='objectrotation', worldUpVector=world_up_vector))

    cmds.pointConstraint(aim_locator, aim_node, maintainOffset=False)
    cmds.aimConstraint(mus_group, aim_node, maintainOffset=False, aimVector=aim_vector,
                       upVector=world_up_vector, worldUpType='none')

    # add offset transform
    offset_grp = cmds.createNode('transform', name='grp_{}_{}EndAimOffset_{:03d}'.format(side, description, index))
    cmds.parent(offset_grp, aim_node)
    cmds.matchTransform(offset_grp, ctrl_end_driven, position=True, rotation=True)
    # orient constraint with end control's driven node
    cmds.orientConstraint(offset_grp, ctrl_end_driven, maintainOffset=False)

    # reset curve length and stretch squash limit
    # get default curve length
    crv_length = cmds.getAttr(spline_node + '.curLen')
    # set as default
    cmds.setAttr(spline_node + '.lenDefault', crv_length)
    # set stretch and squash limit
    cmds.setAttr(spline_node + '.lenStretch', crv_length * 2)
    cmds.setAttr(spline_node + '.lenSquash', crv_length * 0.5)

    # connect global scale
    if scale_attr:
        cmds.connectAttr(scale_attr, spline_node + '.userScale')

    # hide muscle joints
    cmds.setAttr(mus_joint + '.visibility', 0)

    if mirror and side == 'l':
        add_spline(mus_joint.replace('_l_', '_r_'), joint_number=joint_number, control_number=control_number,
                   control_mid=control_mid, mirror=False, scale_attr=scale_attr)

def mirror_muscle_spline_settings():
    mirror cMuscleSpline settings from left to right
    # get all left side muscle spline node and muscle spline controllers
    spline_nodes ='cMuscleSpline_l_*MusSpline_???Shape')
    spline_ctrls ='ctrl_l_*MusSpline?_???')

    # loop in each node
    for node in spline_nodes + spline_ctrls:
        node_right = node.replace('_l_', '_r_')
        # get all custom attrs
        attrs = cmds.listAttr(node, userDefined=True)
        for attr in attrs:
            # check if it has connection or locked
            node_attr = '{}.{}'.format(node, attr)
            if not cmds.listConnections(node_attr, source=True, destination=False) and \
                    not cmds.getAttr(node_attr, lock=True):
                val = cmds.getAttr(node_attr)
                cmds.setAttr('{}.{}'.format(node_right, attr), val)


1 Reply
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Holy code Batman, 505 lines!

I don't have the time to check all your code for mistakes. But I can tell you why nothing happens.
You have a lot of functions, but you aren't calling them anywhere. So all that happens, is that the functions get commited to Memory but they are never called and therefore never exectued.

Here is an easy example:

#This is the functiond definition, it commits what the function does to Memory
def Func():
	""" Something happens here """

#This is the function call, it gets runs the function from Memory


So if you want to run your functions, you need to call it.


I hope it helps! 🙂