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Mesh is no longer moving with skeleton

Message 1 of 3
308 Views, 2 Replies

Mesh is no longer moving with skeleton

I just completed the finishing touches on weight painting my rig. An hour or so later, I have just opened up my scene to find that the main mesh is no longer moving with the skeleton. The eyes, teeth, gums, and tongue are, but the main body no longer has a bindPose on it.


The last things I did before closing the file were put the geometry and skeleton into separate layers, and export the geometry as an OBJ so I could work on the textures in Substance Painter. I really don't want to have to redo the past 2-3 hours of weight painting. Is there any way I can fix this? I am attaching the scene file below.


Thank you in advance for any help.

Message 2 of 3
in reply to: bethany_jennings1



If you don't have any savety copies of the file you made during weightpainting, I'm afraid you'll have to do it again.
Did you delete the history on your mesh? Because it seems like all the deformers, including your skincluster are not existient, the only input connection to your mesh is the layer you put it on.

There sadly isn't much to retrieve here. The only way to save some of the work, would be to load it a model from a savety copy and copy the weights over to this one. Or to export weightmaps from another file and apply them to a new skincluster.

I would look at the bright side and take it as the important lessons that everyone working with Maya has learned at some point.
1) Make regular increment saves every  ~ 30 minutes
2) Never export/render from a scene you want to continue to work with, always create a savety copy first and then export/render


Message 3 of 3

Thank you for your advice! I do have an older copy of the file where I began the weight painting, so I'll go back to that one. It's a shame that such big mishaps can come from missing small - yet essential - moments in the workflow. I'm normally pretty good about paying attention to that.

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