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maya 2022 unsupported nodes Please Help!!!!!


maya 2022 unsupported nodes Please Help!!!!!


maya 2022 unsupported nodes Errors have occurred while reading this scene that may result in data loss. Please check the Script Editor for details.


I'm trying to animate a scene in maya but every time i try to open the scene and work on it I get the unsupported nodes error message and and within like a minute or 2 minutes my entire maya completely freezes


my maya version: Maya 2022.4

Device name DESKTOP-HC29LLD
Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8500 CPU @ 3.00GHz 3.00 GHz
Installed RAM 16.0 GB
Device ID 10D74F18-35D9-433E-96DF-8A748D1539BC
Product ID 00325-96306-07706-AAOEM
System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor

i could compress the enough to be able upload it here but if you want to check it out and find fix i have attached a link:


this is the info from the script editor when the file is opened:


file -f -new;
// untitled //
commandPort -securityWarning -name commandportDefault;
onSetCurrentLayout "Tevin Workspace";
// Loading Bifrost version
// Bifrost: Loading library: Amino, from: Autodesk.
// Bifrost: Loading library: AminoMayaTranslation, from: Autodesk.
// Bifrost: Loading library: bif, from: Autodesk.
// Bifrost: Loading library: bifrostObjectMayaTranslations, from: Autodesk.
// Bifrost: Loading library: geometries, from: Autodesk.
// Bifrost: Loading library: fluids, from: Autodesk.
// Bifrost: Loading library: particles, from: Autodesk.
// Bifrost: Loading library: file, from: Autodesk.
// Bifrost: Loading library: mpm, from: Autodesk.
// Bifrost: Loading library: modeling, from: Autodesk.
// Bifrost: Loading library: nucleus, from: Autodesk.
// Bifrost: Loading library: simulation, from: Autodesk.
// Bifrost: Loading library: riv_types, from: Autodesk.
// Bifrost: Loading library: riv, from: Autodesk.
// Bifrost: Loading library: scatter_pack, from: Autodesk.
// Bifrost: Loading library: graphs, from: Autodesk.
// Warning: file: C:\Users\tevin\Documents\maya\2022\prefs\filePathEditorRegistryPrefs.mel line 4: filePathEditor: Attribute 'aiImage.filename' is invalid or is not designated 'usedAsFilename'. //
// Warning: file: C:\Users\tevin\Documents\maya\2022\prefs\filePathEditorRegistryPrefs.mel line 5: filePathEditor: Attribute 'aiPhotometricLight.aiFilename' is invalid or is not designated 'usedAsFilename'. //
// Warning: file: C:\Users\tevin\Documents\maya\2022\prefs\filePathEditorRegistryPrefs.mel line 6: filePathEditor: Attribute 'aiStandIn.dso' is invalid or is not designated 'usedAsFilename'. //
// Warning: file: C:\Users\tevin\Documents\maya\2022\prefs\filePathEditorRegistryPrefs.mel line 7: filePathEditor: Attribute 'aiVolume.filename' is invalid or is not designated 'usedAsFilename'. //
// AbcExport v1.0 using Alembic 1.7.5 (built Nov 30 2020 18:40:46)
evalDeferred "shaderBallRendererMenuUpdate";
// Warning: line 1: filePathEditor: Attribute 'aiStandIn.dso' and label 'Standin' have been saved already. //
// Warning: line 1: filePathEditor: Attribute 'aiVolume.filename' and label 'VDB' have been saved already. //
// Warning: line 1: filePathEditor: Attribute 'aiImage.filename' and label 'Image' have been saved already. //
// Warning: line 1: filePathEditor: Attribute 'aiPhotometricLight.aiFilename' and label 'IES' have been saved already. //
import arnold
import mtoa
import mtoa.cmds.registerArnoldRenderer;mtoa.cmds.registerArnoldRenderer.registerArnoldRenderer()
// AbcImport v1.0 using Alembic 1.7.5 (built Nov 30 2020 18:40:46)
# Error: ModuleNotFoundError: file <maya console> line 1: No module named 'aTools' #
# Traceback (most recent call last):
# File "", line 582, in __o__o____O___o__l_o
# File "", line 630, in __o__1_o__o_0____o____1_____o____l____1___0__o
# ValueError: min() arg is an empty sequence
addRecentFile("C:/Users/tevin/Documents/maya/2022/Projects/Skimmed_Milk/scenes/Skim_Milk.mb", "mayaBinary");file -f -options "v=0;" -ignoreVersion -typ "mayaBinary" -o "C:/Users/tevin/Documents/maya/2022/Projects/Skimmed_Milk/scenes/Skim_Milk.mb";
requires "fbxmaya" "2020.2.3";
requires "stereoCamera" "10.0";
requires -nodeType "aiOptions" -nodeType "aiAOVDriver" -nodeType "aiAOVFilter" -nodeType "aiStandardSurface" "mtoa" "";
requires "Mayatomr" "2013.0 - ";
requires -nodeType "RedshiftOptions" -nodeType "RedshiftPostEffects" "redshift4maya" "3.0.21";
# Error: line 1: RuntimeError: file <maya console> line 1: Plug-in, "redshift4maya", was not found on MAYA_PLUG_IN_PATH. #
// Warning: Unrecognized node type for node 'redshiftOptions'; preserving node information during this session. //
// Warning: Unrecognized node type for node 'Sam_Rig_v1_2:defaultRedshiftPostEffects'; preserving node information during this session. //
// Warning: Unrecognized node type for node 'Sam_Rig_v1_3:defaultRedshiftPostEffects'; preserving node information during this session. //
// Warning: Unrecognized node type for node 'Sam_Rig_v1_4:defaultRedshiftPostEffects'; preserving node information during this session. //
// Warning: Unrecognized node type for node 'Sam_Rig_v1_5:defaultRedshiftPostEffects'; preserving node information during this session. //
// Warning: file: C:/Users/tevin/Documents/maya/2022/Projects/Skimmed_Milk/assets/Environment/ line 286637: Unrecognized node type 'mia_material_x'; preserving node information during this session. //
// Warning: file: C:/Users/tevin/Documents/maya/2022/Projects/Skimmed_Milk/assets/Environment/ line 286666: Unrecognized node type 'mia_material_x'; preserving node information during this session. //
// Warning: file: C:/Users/tevin/Documents/maya/2022/Projects/Skimmed_Milk/assets/Environment/ line 286697: Unrecognized node type 'mia_material'; preserving node information during this session. //
// Warning: file: C:/Users/tevin/Documents/maya/2022/Projects/Skimmed_Milk/assets/Environment/ line 287032: Unrecognized node type 'mib_amb_occlusion'; preserving node information during this session. //
# Error: This file contains legacy render layers and Maya is currently in Render Setup mode. This combination is unsupported. You can switch to Legacy Render Layers mode from the Preferred Render Setup system drop-down list in the Rendering section of the Preferences window. #
// Logfile: "C:\Users\tevin\Documents\maya\FBX\Logs\2020.2.3\maya2022imp.log"
setAttr -type "string" old_table.UDP3DSMAX "MapChannel:1 = DiffuseUV&cr;&lf;MapChannel:2 = LightmapUV&cr;&lf;";
setAttr -type "string" chair.UDP3DSMAX "MapChannel:1 = DiffuseUV&cr;&lf;";
setAttr -type "string" chair001.UDP3DSMAX "MapChannel:1 = DiffuseUV&cr;&lf;";
// Warning: line 349: Non camera object in the list.: |group1|uploads_files_257960_kitchen_interior:_UNKNOWN_REF_NODE_fosterParent1 //
// Warning: line 1246: The default image may not be modified. Use the -i/image flag instead. //
// Warning: The mesh |Old_wooden_table_and_chair:chair|Old_wooden_table_and_chair:chairShape contains invalid or unused components. These can be cleaned up using the Mesh Cleanup dialog. //
// Warning: The mesh |Old_wooden_table_and_chair:chair001|Old_wooden_table_and_chair:chair001Shape contains invalid or unused components. These can be cleaned up using the Mesh Cleanup dialog. //
// Warning: Errors have occurred while reading this scene that may result in data loss.

Please check the Script Editor for details. //
// Read 4 files in 4.4 seconds.
// C:/Users/tevin/Documents/maya/2022/Projects/Skimmed_Milk/scenes/Skim_Milk.mb //
// Error: file: C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2022/scripts/others/updateModelPanelBar.mel line 142: Non camera object in the list. //

4 Replies
Replies (4)



You are missing atools ( which really shouldn't matter)

and you are missing redShift. but also trying to load a really old version of arnold mtoa , as well as mental ray ?


I would open the file, and export only what you needed., and try and clean out the stuff you don't

Often having multiple renderers loading. or trying load, can be problematic. 


you also have the new layer setup turned on, but have legacy layers,,  you should clean those out as well

# Error: This file contains legacy render layers and Maya is currently in Render Setup mode. This combination is unsupported. You can switch to Legacy Render Layers mode from the Preferred Render Setup system drop-down list in the Rendering section of the













Should I try to uninstall my maya and  reinstall to default maya could that work?



The only stuff I can think of that I added as far as plugins are animbot, jtghost, and syncsketch plug in 



string $unknownNodes[] = `ls -type "unknown"`;

for($node in $unknownNodes) {
print( "Deleting " + $node + "\n" );
lockNode -lock 0 $node;
delete $node;

string $plugin;
string $unknownPlugins[] = `unknownPlugin -query -list`;
for ($plugin in $unknownPlugins)
unknownPlugin -remove $plugin;



do I copy and paste, then execute this in the script editor?