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Maya 2019 - Can't select / translate Editable Motion Trail

Message 1 of 3
633 Views, 2 Replies

Maya 2019 - Can't select / translate Editable Motion Trail


motion trail bad 2.gif


- Unable to select / modify / translate motion trail.

- Motion trail setting at default.

- First motion trail is the only one working

- New motion trail cannot be selected

- Using Maya 2019.1

Message 2 of 3
in reply to: jorgebalabis

New issues:

- New objects created (polygons,locator etc) cannot be scaled



Issue appears to be fixed by simply copy and pasting my scene to a new Maya session. My best guess is that by doing incremental it somehow corrupted my file. 


Thank you

Message 3 of 3

For any other animator ready to punch editable motion trails in their stupid face here's what I did to get them to work:

- initially had my units set to meters which launched motion trail frames into outer space when attempting to translate them in the viewport

- set my units to centimeters and tried to translate motion trail keys on the same motion trail I had created with units set to meters; this had the same result: motion trail keys to the moon!

- deleted existing motion trail by deleting motionTrail1Handle from the outliner

- sacrificed goat

-selected rig control I wanted a new motion trail for and went to motion trail options

-reset settings, created motion trail and was able to edit the keys in the viewport as I had initially hoped to


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