I'm not 100% sure on what you're trying to do, but you mentioned the grass, so I'm guessing you want it to point at the camera if the camera moves left/right, but not if the camera goes up or down. To do so, you can use constraints and a locator:
1. first off, make sure you're in either the rigging or animation menu set:
2. create a locator: (create>Locator)
3. in the outliner, select the camera you want everything to point at, then also select the locator you just made.
4. go to Constrain>point, and use these options. This will bind the locator to the camera's x/z position, but not the y(up/down)
5. Now select the locator you made, and also select an object that needs to point towards the camera.
6. go to constrain>aim with the following settings:
repeat steps 5 and 6 on each object that needs to face the camera.
Let me know if that works or not, you might have to change the aim vector of the aim constraint depending on what way your objects are oriented.