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Humanik and skeleton rig not working correctly

Message 1 of 6
2649 Views, 5 Replies

Humanik and skeleton rig not working correctly

normalnormalarmarmupleguplegleglegI am new to Maya. I tried to make a character (minecraft type) and crreate a skeleton with humanik (2 spine, no figuers, no toe). When I bind it with my character and try to move it, it just doesnt work as it should. When i try to move an upleg, it move both leg. When I try to rotate leg, it dosnt rotate. When i try to move an arm, it move all the body. How can i fix this ? (and control rig doesnt fix the problem). Also, move things give them weird scale and deformation.

Thanks for your help and sorry for my english.

Message 2 of 6
in reply to: Anonymous

How is it skinned? If you right click on your model and drag onto "paint skin weights", it will open the paint skin weights tool. You can check if your weights are properly painted from there.


Scaling and transforming individual joints usually isn't done when animating a human character. Usually, the root joint (in your case, the hips) is the one that is moved. Skinned meshes usually are not scaled.

Message 3 of 6
in reply to: kttender

What is "skinned" ?

Message 4 of 6
in reply to: Anonymous

Skinned is just the term for how the influences from the joints are applied to the mesh. When you bound the mesh to the joints (using "Skin" > "Bind Skin"), one would say you "skinned" the mesh.

Message 5 of 6
in reply to: kttender

Ok. I've tried to play with the weight tool, but i could find a solution. I've tried a lot of things, but no matter what i do, i can rotate the leg, but it will bend the spine, i f i rotate the middle of the leg, the leg dont bend but all of it rotate,  when i move the arm, the side of the body move with it, and when i rotate the leg or the arm, they get a weird scale and arent rectangles anymore. Do you have a fix ? If you do, cant you explain the step precisly or give me a link that would explain it ?

Message 6 of 6
in reply to: Anonymous

I can't give one clear fix because there are any number of things that could be causing the skinning issues you describe. Maybe upload a file

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