I am working on a game-related project and that means there are a lot of transition animations. For example, Jump -> Land and Run -> Jump. So far I've been making the animations, loading them into the Time Editor and exporting the clip, then re-importing it in a new project and using the option 'Bake To Scene and Delete' in the Time Editor to retrieve the pose I need for such animations. Or, I've been making a lot of them in the same file, where different frame ranges are used for different animations and literally just copying and pasting the frames I need.
This has limitations, for example, if I edit the jump animation then I'd need to re-export it and re-import it into all those other animation files and tidy it up again. Also, importing clips in the Time Editor and baking it to the scene can cause some artifacts on things that haven't been keyed in the clip that was there before. I feel like this is not how it is done in industry.
What is the most efficient way of organizing these animations so that if I decide to edit the jump pose then it's not so difficult to edit the other animations?