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Game Exporter Single Frame Export not possible?


Game Exporter Single Frame Export not possible?


Using the game exporter in Maya 2018 (but seems the same issue in 2020),

From one scene file I need to export several animation clips, which seems possible with the animation clips panel.
However my clips are all single frames and seems the UI forces you so pick a minimum of 2 frames per clip?
So wondering if there is a way I'm not seeing to export single frames?

Would be a very useful feature as there are several cases where you might want to animate several poses in one scene and export each frame as its own fbx. Can't think of a valid reason to force disable single frame exports.

For example to replicate:
* Animate any object over 10 frames (e.g. a sphere jumping into random positions)
* Use the Game exporter to export all
* Create named animation clips, but try setting and with the same start/end frame

You will notice if you set the start frame to 1, and end frame to 1 the UI will force the start frame down by one, so to 0. Same if you were to re-update the start frame to 1, the end frame updates to 2.

So seems its forcing animation clips to be at least 2 frames long, which is a pointless limitation and breaks a quite useful workflow.

Unless I'm missing something in the UI this will means ill have to bypass the tool entirely just to export single frames!


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