Exports to unreal do not retain animation data

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Exports to unreal do not retain animation data

Community Visitor
Community Visitor

I've been working on cleaning motion capture data and retargeting data to a model in maya and it has been an absolute nightmare. When I export (I have tried both Game Exporter and Export Selection for this) no errors occur but the animation doesn't make it to unreal. I'm pretty new to Maya so I've had a hard time trouble shooting and I've tried probably 15 tutorials online. I was originally retargeting from both mocap and mixamo and the latter were causing problems because they didn't have a root. Then I had issues with the bind pose not being set. I've resolved both of those issues and tried the following steps:

-export just the original rig

-export the original rig & the mesh

-export the control rig

-export the control rig and mesh

-bake and export the original rig with the mesh

- bake the control rig and export 

-add a bone to the mixamo source rig and export 

- ""                  ""     but with mesh as well


I would really appreciate any and all advice, this workflow has just been brutal going over into unreal. I can provide additional files if needed for trouble shooting


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