So you have dynamic cloth that drives joints that drive the dynamic cloth? Unfortunately that won't work because it is creating a cycle which is whey your mesh is behaving so strangely when you move the joints. You have a few options to try and achieve what you want though:
- Use two meshes
- Create a duplicate version of the cloth and have the dynamic cloth drive the duplicate with a blendShape.
- Then have the joints drive the duplicate cloth so you can tweak the result.
- You will need to use the bindPrematrix attributes on the skinCluster in order to make this work.
- You would need to connect the worldInverseMatrix of the group above each joint to the corresponding attribute.
- Sorry if that's a bit vague, if this is the route you decide to go I can go into more detail.
- Baking
- You could bake out the dynamic mesh as an alembic and then modify the result using any kind of control set up.
Also, I would suggest having the command line visible when you're rigging. Just go to windows>UI Elements>command line. That way you should see a warning when you have created a cycle.