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Character Sets Design and Use


Character Sets Design and Use


I am looking for advice, shared experience, even opinions, on use of Character Sets.

This thing in Maya is since introduction of the TraxEditor, which supposedly should unleash enormous powers of non-linear animation. However, even the Maya manual promises great benefits, I am not seeing people going that crazy about Trax, its UI (at least till M2019) seems stiff and bulky. Not that much posts about it here too - its either so seamlessly perfect or seldom used.


My aim is to create a basic library of walk, jump, run clips, with flexibility of mixing it with motioncaptured data, shared between two structurally identical characters (TSM3).

And, questions are:


#1 Is it worth investing time in this? Maybe there are better approaches - we already are past the deadline and its too pressing for a detour into something that will get as much trouble as mending mocap animations with animLayers. We are still talking about some 45 mins of two-character animation.


#2 What is the most flexible Character-/subCharacerSets arrangement for humanoid characters? As I imagine, it could be reasonable to split inputs between Facial, Arms and HeadBodyLegs sets, however how do those live in scene: as sub-characters to another set, each other or independent? Won't keying one character break animations in sub-characters, or simply overpopulate animCurves with irrelevant keys?


#3 Any tips on attribute list management? The lists of attributes in the sets are unmanageably long, especially with long attribute names, inflexible in re-aranging. Or, should this matter at all?


#4 Any good general tuts/vids on use of Trax? Maya Help's structure is hardly a learning guide, rather fragmented and intertweened with articles about TimeEditor and CameraSequencer.

Maya2019.1 @ Windows10 & GeForce GTX1080Ti

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