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As you can see in the component editor, three vertices are only bound to the ankle_L joint, but they don't follow it. I have no idea how to phrase my problem in the headline. If this is a problem that is similar to someone else's post, please let me know.
Select the vertices and go to Rigging menu/skin/hammer Skin Weights.
If this does not work, select the vertices and open the component editor (windows/general editor/component editor)
go to smooth skin tab, you will see your vertices listed in the columns and your influence joints in the rows.
put the value of 0 in every joint not supposed to influence your foot.
For example, if you see that the joint of the right ankle has values, but your vertices belong to the left foot,
Put zero in that joint.
I attempted to download the script, but it says the trial expired when I never downloaded it before.
I tried doing the hammer weights, and I got the fun error message saying:
Error: line 0: Unable to perform smoothing on selected components: the topology has changed between the skin and the output.
I did type in 0 into the component editor, but it unevenly divided the weights to 6 other bones, not on the ankle_L bone.
When you use the component editor, The first row on top has a boolean attribute to lock the weight on the bones you don´t want be affected by the weight redistribution.
so you first lock all the joints with correct values. then you leave unlocked the one that should receive the influence,
and the ones you want to zero out. This way you can guide the redistribution until it is correct.
Please find the attachment.
Paste the "as_SmoothNearestMain.pyc" file in the maya script folder.
(Windows) \Users\<username>\Documents\maya\scripts\
Then run the following script in the "script editor's" python tab.
from as_SmoothNearestMain import * def as_SmoothNearest(): SmoothNearest.as_SmoothNearest() as_SmoothNearest()
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