Are you using the most recent version of the addin? We are at v4.031 now. If not, please get the latest from the Insight Downloads site:
Also please note the changes with version 4+ in handling of materials and the most recent patch updates to Revit for R19 and R20 as noted here:
If you are using the latest version, or if you still have problems after updating, please send the log files from <MyDocuments>/Autodesk/RevitDaylighting to Insight support at: insight.support@autodesk.com
Note that you have not been charged for the run until the status is Complete and you accept the results. I would recommend just trying to do the run again. The old engine used prior to Insight v4 is much slower and has some queueing problems, and the new engine should take only a few seconds to a few minutes to complete runs. You can also check your status on the 'Render Gallery' from the View menu.