Revit /Insight 2016. Analysis with un-wated rooms still show up.


Revit /Insight 2016. Analysis with un-wated rooms still show up.

Not applicable

Using my student account to do daylight analysis on a four story building model.


1. Uncheck not occupiable rooms but the program still calculated and analysized these rooms. I re-ran the calculations several times, the results came out the same. Later I deleted the rooms (deleted them in schedule as well), the analysis still came out with calculation of these rooms. Is it something wrong with my program?


2. (See attached schedule), Results in daylighting calculation came out all 0 SF in daylihgting schedule, which it is supposed to not be. 


3. With my last analysis (see attached plan), only one space showed up with color and the weird thing is that this room is a room I've already deleted in my both schedule and on plan. 


Please let me know how to solve this problem...Thanks.

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Hi @Anonymous


The lighting analysis is always performed on all rooms (you cannot select which rooms to analyze). However you can select which rooms to show in the result. Select only the rooms you want included from the schedule & then from the list of the analyses you have already created, select the appropriate analysis to re-generate the results (do not do another analysis). Refer to the screenshot. You do not need to delete the rooms in your Revit model.


For the results only showing up in one room, it's possible that you may need to edit the legend with different thresholds because some of the rooms may have lighting, but the amount may fall below the threshold. 


Let us know if you have more questions on this topic, otherwise please accept as a solution so that others can benefit from this information.






Marjorie Stein
QA Analyst
Generative Design Group
Autodesk, Inc.