Lighting Analysis Vague Results


Lighting Analysis Vague Results

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I'm learning and testing out Insight 360 for my office. I am new to Insight 360, and ran the Lighting Analysis tool for the first time. My first pass analysis seems pretty vague and unusual and am unsure if this is what I should expect for future analysis. I followed along with the basic instructional pdf of GSG_0306 of Insight 360. It almost looks like it doesn't recognize the building. Do I need to have the building selected or it be in a certain view for it to work? Could you please review my run attached below and give your thoughts of what went wrong.


What determines the amount of credits used per run? My first run used 10 credits at a high resolution. 

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Hi @Anonymous,


Thanks for checking out the tool. Looking at your results, I have a few suggestions for you...


1. If possible, update to the latest plugin for Revit 2017.  You can download it from here, and I’ve included some of the resources as well. Let me know if anything is unclear.


2. The view that is going to matter is the "_Lighting Analysis" 3D view. Whatever is enabled in that view, will be used in the analysis. I would suggest opening that view and generating results there the first time.


3. Are you working with a linked model? If so, make sure that floors and rooms are part of the main model, not one of the linked in models. 


Finally, cloud credits are charged per square footage. (More information here). When getting started, I suggest running things at a low resolution (because it is cheaper) until you get the hang of how the tool works. 


Let me know if this helps,


Stephanie Egger

Evangelist, Building Performance Analysis