Here are some things you might check. You can also send the model to us at LAR.Feedback@autodesk.com if you'd like me to take a look.
1. Glazing materials RGB TVis is not defined properly. Use Glazing or Glass materials, remember that window pane modeled thickness matters, and the RGB values on the Appearance tab are the important ones for Rendering and LAR.
2. Opaque materials (wall, ceiling, etc) may have 'self-illuminance' modifier defined in the Appearance properties. I've seen this a lot when the visual rendering people set artificial characteristics to make the renderings look good, but not 'real'.
3. The '_Lighting Analysis Model View'; which is the view used for the analysis, may have some objects hidden that allow daylight into the rooms. Maybe a wall, or a missing floor or ceiling above, etc.
4. The '_Lighting Analysis Model View' has a section box cutting a wall open, which will be reflected in the analysis model. This is usually automatically removed for analysis, but there is a 'Settings' option (gear icon on the LAR analysis dialog) to override the section box that may be unchecked.
5. Electric lights are defined in the space and are turned on in the '_Lighting Analysis Model View'. These are usually automatically turned off, but there is a 'Settings' option to override artificial lights that may be unchecked.
I'd be glad to hav ea look if you want to send me the model.