Hi @petHYD9W. Attached to this response is a text file containing the code for an iLogic rule (not a VBA macro). You copy & paste that code over into a new external iLogic rule, which can then be used on any Inventor assembly type document. Just make sure that the main assembly is visibly open on your screen when you run this rule, and it will 'process' the main assembly file itself, as well as every other document being referenced within every level of that assembly. By process, I mean it will export the model file to a .stp file, then attempt to find an .idw drawing file for that model in the same folder as the model file, with the same name, and when found, it will open that drawing invisibly, in the background, try to export it to a PDF, then release its reference to that drawing file. Then at the end it will close all of those unreferenced files, to clean up Inventor session memory a bit. The .stp files & .pdf files will simply be created directly in the same folder where the model files reside, and with the same file names, except for the file extension, or course. I set the PDF export option to export all sheets, remove line weights, and 600dpi, as you requested. As for the .stp files, I am not sure about 'default' settings, so I set it to the same settings I generally use, which option 3 (Automotive Design settings), include sketches, fit tolerance set to high accuracy, and include Description from the iProperties of that file, and fill in the Organization from the Company iProperty, and leaving the Authorization part empty. You can review the code itself, and customize it however you want, if those settings do not suit your needs perfectly.
Wesley Crihfield

(Not an Autodesk Employee)