What you're asking for is a pretty tall order. We would pretty much have to have the model file and the drawing file to test with. We would need to have the correct sheet size, with the border, and title block, revision block, Parts List, etc all in place, so we know how specifically what space on the drawing sheet we have to place the views into.
Creating all the views the right size and positions, and with all the settings the way you want them, is one big task by itself. It's doable, but can be complex. But placing dimensions onto the drawing is another, often much more difficult task that requires highly detailed knowledge of the model and the views. We would also need to know what dimensions are needed/wanted (from what geometry on the view to what other piece of geometry on the view to choose when creating the dimensions). What type & style of dimensions, etc.
If we do manage to automate this task for one model & drawing scenario, the resulting code may be too geometry specific to be able to use with any other model with different geometry.
Perhaps if you supplied the model & drawing documents, the way you want them, one of us may be able to automate it for you, but no guarantees. (Make sure nothing in the files is private or proprietary.)
Wesley Crihfield

(Not an Autodesk Employee)