Hi @Khoa_NguyenDang
You'll need to have the Tables node selected and then execute the command "AssemblyChangeComponentCmd".
The most difficult thing will be finding the correct node since it'll change name if you change iPart-row. If you know it's index or if part of the name is always the same it shouldn't be a problem though.
If you only have one iPart member in the assembly try this 🙂
Dim oDoc As AssemblyDocument = ThisDoc.Document
Dim oPane As BrowserPane = oDoc.BrowserPanes.ActivePane
Dim oOcc As ComponentOccurrence
For Each oOcc In oDoc.ComponentDefinition.Occurrences
If oOcc.IsiPartMember Then Exit For
Dim oNode As BrowserNode = oPane.GetBrowserNodeFromObject(oOcc) 'Get the iParts node.
oNode.Expanded = True
Dim oTableNode As BrowserNode = oNode.BrowserNodes.Item(1) 'Get the tables node.