Just to add to what @CattabianiI contributed...in another post (couldn't recall the link to that post), Mike Deck from Autodesk informed us that the similar settings that we can set by code may not visually effect those options you see out in the user interface, because the similar settings in the user interface actually over rule the settings you have access to through the code, for security reasons. And below are the common iLogic lines for setting those similar settings:
iLogicVb.Automation.RulesEnabled = False
iLogicVb.Automation.RulesOnEventsEnabled = False
bInDrrm = iLogicVb.Automation.InDelayedRuleRunningMode
oRRO = iLogicVb.Automation.GetRuleRunningOrderOption(oDoc)
iLogicVb.Automation.SetRuleRunningOrderOption(oDoc, RuleRunningOrder.Browser)
iLogicVb.Automation.SilentOperation = True
Edit: Another tactic I had used in a few projects was to suppress all the internal/local rules in target documents before 'processing' them, then un-suppress the rules when done. That also worked out just fine for me, but obviously involves a little more code & processing. I had certain specific reasons for doing things that way at the time though.
Wesley Crihfield

(Not an Autodesk Employee)