Hi all,
In an effort to automate some sheet metal drawings I've managed to write 2 snippets of code (found similar on forums, thanks legends) which firstly run within a part/assembly to set the home view to "work plane1" and secondly an update from drawing that allows me to run the part snipped from the drawing. This so far works well but I've struggled to find any examples of using iLogic to set a drawing view to "Home" on the view cube.
I also tried setting this to "Front view" but couldn't get the view cube in the drawing to match the view cube orientation in the part (Front (part) <> Front (drawing view)).
I've attached 2 images showing the before and after running the home view code and then manually setting the view cube to home.
Below is the home view aligning code
' Ref: https://forums.autodesk.com/t5/inventor-programming-ilogic/setting-view-cube-orientation-with-ilogic/td-p/8187506
Sub Main()
Logger.Warn("Running SetHomeViewToWorkplane")
Dim partDoc As PartDocument = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument 'gets the activedocument in partdocument form
Dim partDef As PartComponentDefinition = partDoc.ComponentDefinition 'gets the part file definition.
Dim selectedworkplane As WorkPlane = partDef.WorkPlanes("Work Plane1") 'TODO: In reference to above maybe all home view allignment planes have a specific name?
SetFrontViewToWorkplane(ThisApplication, partDoc, selectedworkplane)
End Sub
Public Shared Sub SetFrontViewToWorkplane(ByVal InventorApp As Inventor.Application, ByVal partDoc As PartDocument, ByVal selectedWorkPlane As WorkPlane)
Dim selSet As SelectSet = partDoc.SelectSet
Dim LookAt As ControlDefinition = InventorApp.CommandManager.ControlDefinitions("AppLookAtCmd")
Dim activeView As View = InventorApp.ActiveView
' activeView.SetCurrentAsFront()
End Sub
Ideally looking for a snipped that will only align to home if the view is sheet metal but not flat pattern, though I can likely figure that part out if it gets to complicated. Thanks for any help offered!
P.s. using 2023 Inventor if this changes anything.
Run this rule in that first view you show
'Pick drawing view Dim pick = ThisApplication.CommandManager.Pick(SelectionFilterEnum.kDrawingViewFilter, "Select drrawing view") Dim drwView As DrawingView = pick 'Get camera of selected drawing view Dim drwViewCamera As Camera = drwView.Camera 'Get referenced model Dim modelDoc As Document = drwView.ReferencedDocumentDescriptor.ReferencedDocument 'Get model view (first or new one) and its camera Dim modelView As Inventor.View If modelDoc.Views.Count = 0 Then modelView = modelDoc.Views.Add() Else modelView = modelDoc.Views(1) End If 'Copy camera from drwaing view to model view Dim modelViewCamera As Camera = modelView.Camera modelViewCamera.Eye = drwViewCamera.Eye modelViewCamera.Target = drwViewCamera.Target modelViewCamera.UpVector = drwViewCamera.UpVector 'Apply camera to model view modelViewCamera.ApplyWithoutTransition() 'Apply ViewCube orientation Dim activeView = ThisApplication.ActiveView modelView.Activate() modelView.SetCurrentAsFront() activeView.Activate()
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