Trying to open an Excel list of parts from an Excel File (QTY PART columns) Open the part, update the QTY then close the Part. It works fine through the first pass then I get an "The Parameter is incorrect error". Can anyone tell me Why?
Solved! Go to Solution.
Solved by Owner2229. Go to Solution.
Hey, it's because with every loop you're changing "oPartFullPath":
oPartFullPath = oPartFullPath + "\" + oPartFull
So on second loop it does this:
oPartFullPath = oPartFullPath + "\" + oPartFull + "\" + oPartFull
Also, don't use "+" for string, use "&" instead.
Here's the correction and some simplification:
Dim oPartFullPath As String = ThisDoc.Path Dim oExcelFile As String = oPartFullPath & "\178150.xls"
GoExcel.Open(oExcelFile, "Sheet1") For i As Integer = 3 To 6 Dim oPart As String = GoExcel.CellValue("B" & CStr(i)).ToString & ".ipt" Dim oTQTY As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(GoExcel.CellValue("A" & CStr(i))) Dim oPath As String = oPartFullPath & "\" & oPart Dim xDoc As Document = ThisApplication.Documents.Open(oPath, True) 'False = open invisible iProperties.Value("Custom", "TQTY") = oTQTY InventorVb.DocumentUpdate() xDoc.Save xDoc.Close(True) MessageBox.Show(i, "Number of Passes Completed") Next
Sometimes you can't see the forest for the trees. The last problem is at the end of the loop it crashed due to a Blank at the end of the list.
I added a goto statement
If i = 230 (Then end of the list +1) then Goto 100
MessageBox.Show(i, "Number of Parts Updated")
It doesn't like i now. If I change it to "230" as a test it works fine.
Why does the counter i cause it to Error?
Error is
Rule Compile Errors in Part TQTY, in PL1.ipt
Error on Line 34 : Variable 'i' hides a variable in an enclosing block.
Line 34 is For i As Integer = 220 To 230
steve wrote:Sometimes you can't see the forest for the trees.
That's so true.
What is says is that you're declaring the variable "i" twice. Use "j" or something else.
If you want to skip some specific numbers you can do it like this:
For i = 220 To 230 If i = 230 Then Continue For Next
Also, if you want the code to be "crash proff" use "Try Catch". Here's the code updated:
Dim oPartFullPath As String = ThisDoc.Path Dim oExcelFile As String = oPartFullPath & "\178150.xls" GoExcel.Open(oExcelFile, "Sheet1") For i As Integer = 3 To 6 Try Dim oPart As String = GoExcel.CellValue("B" & CStr(i)).ToString & ".ipt" Dim oTQTY As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(GoExcel.CellValue("A" & CStr(i))) Dim oPath As String = oPartFullPath & "\" & oPart Dim xDoc As Document = ThisApplication.Documents.Open(oPath, True) 'False = open invisible iProperties.Value("Custom", "TQTY") = oTQTY InventorVb.DocumentUpdate() xDoc.Save xDoc.Close(True) MessageBox.Show(i, "Number of Passes Completed") Catch End Try Next GoExcel.Close(True)
I am searching for the VBA program for the slicing tool which will work as automatic 2D sketch generator for every cross section view from the 3D object. Luckily found the similar tool on YouTube ( but whenever I run the program its shows me the error of "The Parameter is incorrect" and "Run time error70". I also tried to connect with the creator of that Slicer Tool but he/she wont use Inventor anymore.
Sharing the VBA file which I am using for generating this tool, its only RUN in inventor. If its work for anyone please help me, its my first time of using VBA in Inventor.
Public BasePlane As Object
Private WithEvents m_BasePlane As MiniToolbarButton
Private WithEvents m_Thickness As MiniToolbarValueEditor
Private m_BasePlaneName As MiniToolbarControl
Private WithEvents m_MiniToolbar As MiniToolbar
Private bStop As Boolean
Public Sub Init(oMiniToolbar As MiniToolbar)
Set m_MiniToolbar = oMiniToolbar
Set m_BasePlane = m_MiniToolbar.Controls.Item("btnBasePlane")
Set m_Thickness = m_MiniToolbar.Controls.Item("Thickness")
Set m_BasePlaneName = m_MiniToolbar.Controls.Item("lblBasePlane")
m_MiniToolbar.EnableOK = False
bStop = False
Loop Until bStop
End Sub
Private Sub m_BasePlane_OnClick()
Set BasePlane = ThisApplication.CommandManager.Pick(kAllPlanarEntities, "Select start plane or face")
If BasePlane Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
If TypeName(BasePlane) = "WorkPlane" Then
m_BasePlaneName.DisplayName = BasePlane.Name
m_BasePlaneName.DisplayName = BasePlane.Parent.Name & ".Face"
End If
m_MiniToolbar.EnableOK = True
End Sub
Private Sub m_BasePlane_OnClick()
Set BasePlane = ThisApplication.CommandManager.Pick(kAllPlanarEntities, "Select start plane or face")
If BasePlane Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
If TypeName(BasePlane) = "WorkPlane" Then
m_BasePlaneName.DisplayName = BasePlane.Name
m_BasePlaneName.DisplayName = BasePlane.Parent.Name & ".Face"
End If
m_MiniToolbar.EnableOK = True
End Sub
Private Sub m_MiniToolbar_OnCancel()
bStop = True
End Sub
Private Sub m_MiniToolbar_OnOK()
End Sub
Private Sub SliceIt()
Dim oDoc As PartDocument
Set oDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument
Dim oDef As PartComponentDefinition
Set oDef = oDoc.ComponentDefinition
Dim oSketch As PlanarSketch
Dim P As profile
Dim PP As ProfilePath
Dim nWP As WorkPlane
Dim i As Long
Dim SVG As New SVGFile
Dim ErrCount As Integer
Dim originX As Double, originY As Double
Dim P1 As Point2d, P2 As Point2d
Dim offset As Double, delta As Double
offset = 0
delta = m_Thickness.Expression / 10000
Set nWP = oDef.WorkPlanes.AddByPlaneAndOffset(BasePlane, delta)
Set oSketch = oDef.Sketches.Add(nWP, False)
'find model exxtents in the slice plane
Set P1 = oSketch.ModelToSketchSpace(oDef.RangeBox.MaxPoint)
Set P2 = oSketch.ModelToSketchSpace(oDef.RangeBox.MinPoint)
SVG.OpenFile (P1.X + P2.X) / 2, (P1.Y + P2.Y) / 2
'check the extrude direction
On Error Resume Next
If Err <> 0 Then
delta = -delta
End If
'And now extrude
ErrCount = 0
While Not bStop
nWP.SetByPlaneAndOffset BasePlane, offset
Set oSketch = oDef.Sketches.Add(nWP, False)
On Error Resume Next
On Error GoTo 0
If oSketch.Profiles.count = 0 Then
ErrCount = ErrCount + 1
If ErrCount > 3 Then
bStop = True
Exit Sub
End If
SVG.Add_Layer (offset)
For Each P In oSketch.Profiles
For Each PP In P
SVG.Add_Profile PP
Set PP = Nothing
Set P = Nothing
End If
Set oSketch = Nothing
offset = offset + delta
bStop = True
End Sub
Public Sub SliceToSVG()
Dim oActiveEnv As Environment
Set oActiveEnv = ThisApplication.UserInterfaceManager.ActiveEnvironment
If oActiveEnv.InternalName <> "PMxPartEnvironment" Then
MsgBox "This command can only run in an isolated part context (at the moment at least)"
Exit Sub
End If
Dim oMiniToolbar As MiniToolbar
Set oMiniToolbar = ThisApplication.CommandManager.CreateMiniToolbar
oMiniToolbar.ShowOK = True
oMiniToolbar.ShowApply = False
oMiniToolbar.ShowCancel = True
Dim oControls As MiniToolbarControls
Set oControls = oMiniToolbar.Controls
oControls.Item("MTB_Options").Visible = False
Dim oDescriptionLabel As MiniToolbarControl
Set oDescriptionLabel = oControls.AddLabel("Description", "Slice the part to SVG", "The intention is to drive a DLP")
Dim oPlaneChooser As MiniToolbarButton
Set oPlaneChooser = oControls.AddButton("btnBasePlane", "Base Plane:", "Pick the base plane to slice parallel to")
Dim oPlaneName As MiniToolbarControl
Set PlaneName = oControls.AddLabel("lblBasePlane", " ", "Press the button on the left to choose a plane")
Dim oSliceThickness As MiniToolbarValueEditor
Set oSliceThickness = oControls.AddValueEditor("Thickness", "Enter slice thickness (microns)", kLengthUnits, "microns")
oSliceThickness.Expression = "50"
' Set the position of mini-toolbar
Dim oPosition As Point2d
Set oPosition = ThisApplication.TransientGeometry.CreatePoint2d(ThisApplication.ActiveView.Left, ThisApplication.ActiveView.Top)
oMiniToolbar.Position = oPosition
oMiniToolbar.Visible = True
Dim oMiniToolbarEvents As New ClsToolbarEvents
Call oMiniToolbarEvents.Init(oMiniToolbar)
End Sub
Dim ts As Scripting.TextStream
Dim fs As New Scripting.FileSystemObject
Dim indent As Integer
Dim path As Long, layer As Long
Dim CurrentLayer As String
Dim CurrentPath As String
Const PI As Double = 3.14159265358979
Const rad2deg As Double = 180 / 3.14159265358979
Const height As Double = 21
Const width As Double = 27.9
Const scalefac As Double = 1
Sub OpenFile(originX As Double, originY As Double)
Set ts = fs.CreateTextFile("D:/PYTHON/STL file/newfile.svg")
writelineTS "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='no'?>"
writelineTS "<svg"
writelineTS "xmlns=''"
writelineTS "xmlns:inkscape=''"
writelineTS "xmlns:slicer=''"
writelineTS "width='{1}cm'", width
writelineTS "height='{1}cm'", height
writelineTS "viewBox='{1} {2} {3} {4}'", -(width / 2), -height / 2, width, height
writelineTS "version='1.1'"
writelineTS "style='fill:#ffffff;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke-width:0px;fill-opacity:1' >"
writelineTS "<rect style='fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;stroke:none' width='100%' height='100%' x='{1}' y='{2}' />", -width / 2, -height / 2
writelineTS "<g transform='translate({1},{2}) scale({3}, {4})'>", -originX, originY, scalefac, -scalefac
End Sub
Sub Add_Layer(offset As Double)
If CurrentLayer <> "" Then
writelineTS "</g>"
CurrentLayer = ""
End If
layer = layer + 1
CurrentLayer = "layer_" & layer
writelineTS "<g inkscape:groupmode='layer' inkscape:label='{1}' ", CurrentLayer
writelineTS "id='{1}' slicer:Z='{2}' >", CurrentLayer, Abs(offset * 10)
End Sub
Sub finish()
Dim oFileDlg As FileDialog
Dim fname As String
If CurrentLayer <> "" Then
writelineTS "</g>"
CurrentLayer = ""
End If
writelineTS "</g>" ' Close the transform group
ts.WriteLine "</svg>"
Call ThisApplication.CreateFileDialog(oFileDlg)
oFileDlg.Filter = "SVG File (*.svg)"
oFileDlg.DialogTitle = "Choose a filename"
oFileDlg.InitialDirectory = "D:\PYTHON\STL file"
oFileDlg.CancelError = True
On Error Resume Next
If Not Err Then
fname = oFileDlg.FileName
If fs.GetExtensionName(fname) <> "svg" Then fname = fname & ".svg"
fs.CopyFile "D:\PYTHON\STL file\newfile.svg", fname, True
fs.DeleteFile "D:\PYTHON\STL file\newfile.svg"
End If
On Error GoTo 0
bStop = True
End Sub
Private Sub openpath(startx As Double, starty As Double)
If CurrentPath <> "" Then Exit Sub
path = path + 1
CurrentPath = "path_" & path
writelineTS "<path id='{1}'", CurrentPath
writeTS "d='M {1} {2} ", startx, starty
End Sub
Private Sub closepath(profile As ProfilePath)
If CurrentPath = "" Then Exit Sub
CurrentPath = ""
writeTS " Z'"
If profile.AddsMaterial = False Then writeTS " style='fill:#000000' "
writelineTS " />"
End Sub
Private Function writeTS(f As String, ParamArray t())
' A simple version of printf for putting numbers into strings
' also replaces ' by "" to keep things legible
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To UBound(t)
f = Replace$(f, "{" & i + 1 & "}", t(i))
f = Replace$(f, "'", """")
If InStr(f, "</g>") Then
indent = indent - 3
End If
ts.Write f
If ts.Column > 120 Then
ts.Write Space(indent)
End If
If InStr(f, "<g") Or InStr(f, "<svg") Then
indent = indent + 3
End If
End Function
Private Function writelineTS(f As String, ParamArray t())
' A simple version of printf for putting numbers into strings
' also replaces ' by "" to keep things legible
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To UBound(t)
f = Replace$(f, "{" & i + 1 & "}", t(i))
f = Replace$(f, "'", """")
If InStr(f, "</g>") Then
indent = indent - 3
End If
ts.WriteLine f
If InStr(f, "<g") Or InStr(f, "<svg") Then
indent = indent + 3
End If
ts.Write Space(indent)
End Function
Function ArcTan2(X As Double, Y As Double) As Double
Select Case X
Case Is > 0
ArcTan2 = Atn(Y / X)
Case Is < 0
ArcTan2 = Atn(Y / X) + PI * Sgn(Y)
If Y = 0 Then ArcTan2 = ArcTan2 + PI
Case Is = 0
ArcTan2 = PI / 2 * Sgn(Y)
End Select
End Function
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