Hi @e_frissell ,
I'm not sure about doing the button creation with a script, but you can set this up and then use the Export/Import options to distribute the customizations, see information below.
As for setting the external rule configuration path, see this link:
For Inventor 2023 and beyond you can add buttons for the ilogic rules to the ribbon using the built in tools as described here:
To add a button to the ribbon:
- Right click a ribbon Customize User Commands
- Filter rules/forms in the drop down
- Ensure the correct tab is listed
- Double click a rule to add
- Add text or make large
- Use the Export/Import buttons to transfer the customizations between machines.
To create a custom icon for your iLogic Ribbon button:
- Create a *.png file that is 16x16 pixels or 32x32 pixels
- Place this image file in the same folder as the Rule resides in
- Format the name to be as such:
- <Name of the iLogic Rule or Form> . <light or dark> . <small or large> .png
iLogic rule name: Create PDF
iLogic rule button image name: Create PDF.light.small.png
Restart Inventor if needed.
see related link:
See this link for an app that might help with adding your rules to the ribbon also:
I hope this helps.
Best of luck to you in all of your Inventor pursuits,