iLogic appendix


iLogic appendix


Where do I find an appendix describing all possibilites for:


TopLevelCommand.2ndLevelCommand.3rdLevelCommand....nLevelCommand([what goes before the first comma], [what goes before the second comma], etc. )?


This page: isn't very helpful, and certainly isn't very easy to navigate through.


In my particular case this time I have a rule that returns a strictly informative message box when it is done. From another rule in the same document I would like to run this rule, but without the message box. So writing IlogicVB.RunRule("name of rule with message box", [some argument that runs the referenced rule in silent mode thus omitting said message box]) should probably do the trick. But the incredible annoyance of this is that I can't seem to find any feasable way to figure out what all the possible arguments for this particular command is (or any other command for that matter). I'm left with Google in hopes of finding some forum post or article somewhere describing an issue similar enough to mine to divulge the information I'm looking for, or to ask in this forum (which helpful as it is, isn't neccesarily the fastest way to figure out tiny detail like this.


Is there some other Autodesk documentation page that I've completely missed somewhere...?

2 Replies
Replies (2)


You have few possibilities.

  • When the message is only informative, you can use Logger.Debug instead of MessageBox. 
  • Run this rule with arguments (For example DisplayMessage=false) and test this argument during execution.




Unfortunately there is no one location where you can simply look at and it will give you all possible knowledge about all things iLogic.  One resource that can be highly useful when you want to know how to get from point A to point B within the Inventor API system is the AutodeskInventor 2022 API Object Model document.  It is sort of like a graphical road map of the hierarchy of 'most' of the objects defined within that system.  This exists in two places.  In the first location, it is an image (png) within the online help page (Getting Started with Inventor's API).  The other location only exists if you have installed the 'developertools.msi' file that comes with Inventor.  When that is unpacked, it will create folder called DeveloperTools within your SDK folder, then within a sub folder called 'Docs' is a file named 'InventorObjectModel.pdf', which is this document.  Those developer tools (as well as the usertools.msi) are usually in this location:   C:\Users\Public\Documents\Autodesk\Inventor 2021\SDK\


Then once you know how to find the objects, there is still the matter of knowing about the Properties, Methods, & Events that may be defined within each Object, so you can find more documentation about them.  Usually the best resource for that information is also within the online help pages, but under the [ Programming Interface > Inventor API Reference Manual > Objects structure.  Within that is an alphabetical list of all the Objects and Enums that you can scroll through and select to see what all is available under those objects.

Wesley Crihfield


(Not an Autodesk Employee)