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How to get specific texture image (.png or .jpeg) file path used on a face.

Message 1 of 2
123 Views, 1 Reply

How to get specific texture image (.png or .jpeg) file path used on a face.

foreach (Face face in surfaceBody.Faces)
    Asset faceAppearance = face.Appearance;

    if (faceAppearance != null)
        AssetTypeEnum assetType = faceAppearance.AssetType;

        if (assetType == AssetTypeEnum.kAssetTypeAppearance)
			GLTFMaterial gltfMaterial = new GLTFMaterial();
			GLTFPBR pbr = new GLTFPBR();
			float opacity = 1;
			string matId = null;

			if (faceAppearance.HasTexture)
				foreach (AssetValue assetValue in faceAppearance)
					string textureImgName = faceAppearance.DisplayName;
					AssetValueTypeEnum assetValueEnum  = assetValue.ValueType;

					if (assetValueEnum == AssetValueTypeEnum.kAssetValueTypeColor)
						ColorAssetValue colorValue = (ColorAssetValue)assetValue;
						AssetTexture assetTextureValue = colorValue.ConnectedTexture as AssetTexture;

						if (assetTextureValue != null)
							AssetTextureTypeEnum assetTextureTypeEnum = assetTextureValue.TextureType;

							How to get a full path e.g(C:\Program Files\Common Files\Autodesk Shared\Materials\Textures\3\Mats\Finishes.Flooring.Carpet.DarkGray.Colour.png)
							string textureFilePath = 

							if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(textureFilePath))

								string folderName = "Textures";
								string folderPath = CreateFolderAtRoot(folderName);
								string destinationTexturePath = CopyTextureToFolder(textureFilePath, folderPath);
								string textureFileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(destinationTexturePath);
								string texPath = folderName + "/" + textureFileName;

								gltfMaterial.alphaMode = opacity != 1 ? BLEND : OPAQUE;
								gltfMaterial.alphaCutoff = null; = faceAppearance.DisplayName;

								// Handle bitmap textures
								if (assetTextureTypeEnum == AssetTextureTypeEnum.kTextureTypeBitmap)

									matId = string.Concat(InvAddIn.Core.Constants.faceId, assetTextureValue.Type);

									setPBRMaterialsPropertiesContainsTexture(faceAppearance, texPath, opacity, ref images, ref textures, ref pbr, ref gltfMaterial);




As I am working on a Inventor part file to GLTF file convertor.

At line number 33, I want to get the exact path of file texture file which is used on a face using Inventor API.
Can anyone help me to get this location with the help of API?



Message 2 of 2

I used the following iLogic rule to print all (or at least most) AssetValue for a face appearance.  (Disclaimer: I only tested it on one face. Reslut may be different on your faces.)

Sub main()

    Dim doc As PartDocument = ThisDoc.Document
    Dim body As SurfaceBody = doc.ComponentDefinition.SurfaceBodies.Item(1)

    Dim face = body.Faces.Item(1)
    Dim appearance = face.Appearance

    LogAssetValues(appearance.Cast(Of AssetValue))

End Sub

Private Sub LogAssetValues(assetValues As IEnumerable(Of AssetValue), Optional preText As String = "")

    For Each assetValue As AssetValue In assetValues

        Select Case AssetValue.ValueType
            Case AssetValueTypeEnum.kAssetValueTypeString
                PrintAssetValueDefault(preText, AssetValue)

            Case AssetValueTypeEnum.kAssetValueTypeBoolean
                PrintAssetValueDefault(preText, AssetValue)

            Case AssetValueTypeEnum.kAssetValueTypeInteger
                PrintAssetValueDefault(preText, AssetValue)

            Case AssetValueTypeEnum.kAssetValueTypeFloat
                PrintAssetValueDefault(preText, AssetValue)
                'logger.Info(preText + assetValue.DisplayName + ": " + assetValue.Value.ToString())

            Case AssetValueTypeEnum.kAssetValueTypeFilename
                Dim a As FilenameAssetValue = AssetValue
                If (a.HasMultipleValues) Then
                    logger.Info(preText + a.DisplayName + " (" + a.Name + ") has values: ")
                    For Each val As String In a.Values
                        logger.Info(preText + " - " + Val)
                    logger.Info(preText + a.DisplayName + " (" + a.Name + ") has value: " + a.Value)
                End If

            Case AssetValueTypeEnum.kAssetValueTypeColor
                Dim a As ColorAssetValue = AssetValue

                If (a.HasMultipleValues) Then
                    logger.Info(preText + a.DisplayName + " (" + a.Name + ") has values: -----------------------------------------------")
                    For Each color As Color In a.Values
                        Dim colorString = String.Format("Red:{0}, Green:{1}, Blue:{2}, Opacity:{3}",
                                                Color.Red, Color.Green, Color.Blue, Color.Opacity)

                        If (a.HasConnectedTexture) Then
                            logger.Info(preText + "  - " + a.DisplayName + ": " + colorString + "   (Has connected texture:)")
                            Dim textureAsset As AssetTexture = a.ConnectedTexture
                            LogAssetValues(textureAsset.Cast(Of AssetValue), "      " + preText)
                            logger.Info(preText + a.DisplayName + " (" + a.Name + "): " + colorString + "   (NONE connected texture)")
                        End If
                    Dim color = a.Value
                    Dim colorString = String.Format("Red:{0}, Green:{1}, Blue:{2}, Opacity:{3}",
                                                color.Red, color.Green, color.Blue, color.Opacity)

                    If (a.HasConnectedTexture) Then
                        logger.Info(preText + a.DisplayName + " (" + a.Name + "): " + colorString + "   Has connected texture:")
                        Dim textureAsset As AssetTexture = a.ConnectedTexture
                        LogAssetValues(textureAsset.Cast(Of AssetValue), "      " + preText)
                        logger.Info(preText + a.DisplayName + " (" + a.Name + "): " + colorString + "   (NONE connected texture)")
                    End If
                End If

            Case AssetValueTypeEnum.kAssetValueTypeChoice
                Dim a As ChoiceAssetValue = AssetValue

                Dim names As String() = {}
                Dim choises As String() = {}

                a.GetChoices(names, choises)
                Dim allChoises = String.Join("//", choises)

                logger.Info(preText + a.DisplayName + " (" + a.Name + ") has value: " + a.Value + "(" + allChoises + ")")

            Case Else

                logger.Info("----------> " + AssetValue.DisplayName + ": " + CType(AssetValue.Type, ObjectTypeEnum).ToString())
        End Select


End Sub

Private Sub PrintAssetValueDefault(preText As String, assetValue As AssetValue)
    Dim template = preText + "{0} ({1}): {2}"

    logger.Info(String.Format(template, assetValue.DisplayName, assetValue.Name, assetValue.Value.ToString()))
End Sub

With this I came to the conclusion that you can get the filename using this line of code:


As a warning, I found that the file path can be a relative path. and there can be multiple paths. Have a look at what I found for my "Bump" texture:







Jelte de Jong
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