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Grouping multiple material styles to a single folder


Grouping multiple material styles to a single folder

Not applicable

Hey all,


I made the following code to group together Inventor material styles and save them in the format that my company uses for our files. I'm just wondering if there is a better way to accomplish this? I feel like my method is very simple and not the best for processing. Any help is appreciated!



' Get the material property.
    Dim invMaterialProperty As Property
    Set invMaterialProperty = oDoc. _
        PropertySets.Item("Design Tracking Properties").Item("Material")
    Dim isAnswer As Boolean
    isAnswer = True
    If invMaterialProperty.Value = "A-36" Or invMaterialProperty.Value = "Steel, Mild" Or invMaterialProperty.Value = "MILD STEEL" Then
        invMaterialProperty.Value = "44W"
    ElseIf invMaterialProperty.Value = "GPO-3" Or invMaterialProperty.Value = "Extren500" Or invMaterialProperty.Value = "NEOPRENE" Or invMaterialProperty.Value = "PROTECTOLITE/EXTREEN" Then
        invMaterialProperty.Value = "GPO"
    ElseIf invMaterialProperty.Value = "400 BHN" Then
        invMaterialProperty.Value = "AR400"
    ElseIf invMaterialProperty.Value = "500 BHN" Then
        invMaterialProperty.Value = "AR500"
    ElseIf invMaterialProperty.Value = "600 BHN" Then
        invMaterialProperty.Value = "AR600"
    ElseIf invMaterialProperty.Value = "5083-H32/H116" Then
        invMaterialProperty.Value = "5083"
    ElseIf invMaterialProperty.Value = "QT100" Or invMaterialProperty.Value = "100Q" Then
        Do While isAnswer = True
            typeAns = InputBox(Prompt:="Which material would you like?" & vbCrLf & "Type 1 for 100Q or 2 for QT100", Title:="Material Select")
                If typeAns = "1" Then
                    invMaterialProperty.Value = "100Q"
                    isAnswer = False
                    Exit Do
                ElseIf typeAns = "2" Then
                    invMaterialProperty.Value = "QT100"
                    isAnswer = False
                    Exit Do
                End If
    ElseIf invMaterialProperty.Value = "6061-T6 CHK'D." Then
        invMaterialProperty.Value = "6061CHK"
    ElseIf invMaterialProperty.Value = "6061-T6" Then
        invMaterialProperty.Value = "6061"
    ElseIf invMaterialProperty.Value = "Stainless Steel" Or invMaterialProperty.Value = "316 L SS" Then
        invMaterialProperty.Value = "316 SS"
    ElseIf invMaterialProperty.Value = "304 L SS" Then
        invMaterialProperty.Value = "304 SS"
    ElseIf invMaterialProperty.Value = "UHMW, Black" Or invMaterialProperty.Value = "UHMW, White" Then
        invMaterialProperty.Value = "UHMW"
    End If


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