Fixing "high" resolution export option for .obj in VB script


Fixing "high" resolution export option for .obj in VB script

Not applicable

Hi Team,


I am using autodesk inventor version 2018.

I have VB script which opens and exports a list of CAD files to .obj format.

I need to lock the resolution of export as "High", when i manually do 1 export in "high" resolution and run the VB script, it reverts back to "BREP" resolution.

Can someone please help me with the syntax i have to include in my VB script to fix the resolution at "high".


Thanks in advance

Accepted solutions (2)
5 Replies
Replies (5)

Accepted solution

I'm using Inventor 2021.2.2, so I'm not 100% sure all of this will work for you, but here is what I've got for you.  This was written in iLogic, but iLogic uses VB.NET as its basis, so it should still be compatible with your vb project with minimal tweaks.  It shows you how to work with Inventor's translator add-in (in case your not currently), and which options are available for you to set the way you want them by code.  I don't currently know of any official documentation that specified what all the possible values to these options stand for, but with a little trial & error testing, you could likely figure it out on your own.  I don't use this specific translator myself, so I don't have any personal experience based options values meanings for you, other than having just seen the default values in the dialog just before capturing the current options and their values to see what they were, before producing this code solution for you.

Here is the iLogic code for exporting Part or Assembly to OBJ file:

Sub Main 'Sub ExportToOBJ(oDoc As Inventor.Document)
	Dim oApp As Inventor.Application = ThisApplication
	Dim oDoc As Document = oApp.ActiveDocument
	Dim oOBJ As TranslatorAddIn
	For Each oAppAddin As ApplicationAddIn In oApp.ApplicationAddIns
		If oAppAddin.DisplayName = "Translator: OBJ Export" Then
			oOBJ = oAppAddin
		End If

	'The following lines create the needed input variables
	Dim oTO As TransientObjects = oApp.TransientObjects
	Dim oContext As TranslationContext = oTO.CreateTranslationContext
	oContext.Type = IOMechanismEnum.kUnspecifiedIOMechanism
	Dim oOptions As NameValueMap = oTO.CreateNameValueMap
	Dim oDataMedium As DataMedium = oTO.CreateDataMedium

	'set these options the way you want them here
	oOptions.Value("ExportUnits") = 0 '(I assume 0 is 'Source Units' in the dialog)
	oOptions.Value("Resolution") = 1 '(I believe 1 = High, and 4 = Brep in the dialog)
	oOptions.Value("SurfaceDeviation") = 16 '(I assume 16 is default in dialog)
	oOptions.Value("NormalDeviation") = 1500 '(I assume 1500 is default in dialog)
	oOptions.Value("MaxEdgeLength") = 100000 '(I assume 100000 is default in dialog)
	oOptions.Value("AspectRatio") = 2150 '(represents 21.5 in the dialog - default setting)
	oOptions.Value("ExportFileStructure") = 0 '(I assume 0 is 'One File' in the dialog)

	'set output file's path and file name here
	'the way it is set-up right now, it will save to the same location,
	'and same file name as original document, 'but with the .obj file extension
	oDataMedium.FileName = System.IO.Path.ChangeExtension(oDoc.FullFileName, ".obj")

	If oOBJ.HasSaveCopyAsOptions(oDoc, oContext, oOptions) Then
		oOBJ.SaveCopyAs(oDoc, oContext, oOptions, oDataMedium)
	End If
End Sub

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Wesley Crihfield


(Not an Autodesk Employee)


I'm using the code above in my .iam but getting the following error on the last line:




When removing the last line:

oOBJ.SaveCopyAs(oDoc, oContext, oOptions, oDataMedium)

The file obviously doesn't get saved but I'm not receiving an error either. 

Is there anything I can do to fix this?


My goal is to save multiple instances (in .obj format) of my file with parameter changes inbetween.


Accepted solution

I found the problem;


The context.Type should be kFileBrowseIOMechanism instead of kUnspecifiedIOMechanism


	Dim oContext As TranslationContext = oTO.CreateTranslationContext
	oContext.Type = IOMechanismEnum.kFileBrowseIOMechanism


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That's great, you're a hero 🙂

I got it to work now. Thanks again.


Let me add this link as a reference in case of losing what parameters should be set in future.