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Drawing programming - find line of part


Drawing programming - find line of part

Not applicable

Hello everybody,


VBA-problem: i want to find a line that belongs to a specific part in the drawing, if there exists a visible one.


Backround: We make machines with up to 5000 parts and add markers to some parts in the user defined iproperties. These parts shall get text flag attached to them in the drawing.


I already have the code to loop through all parts in the drawing and check if the iproperty is set. I also have the function to add the text marker to a line. Now i need a way to find a line that belongs to that part so i can attach a text-flag to that part.


The only way to do this at the moment for me is to loop through all existing lines, but because of 25.000-50.000 lines in one assembly this tooks about 2-4 hours. The code to find the parts via iproperties only tooks like 2 seconds.



2 Replies
Replies (2)


Firstly, You said VBA, but I did, my bad... you can hopefully translate the solution to work for you... its just groundwork anyway.


Now that that's covered... I generated some code that should run MUCH faster to acquire the desired curves. The sample below takes a portion of the filename and seeks that part out, it then gives access to the curves that make up each of the occurrences of that part...


I've dumbed it down to select the first curve in the group of curves, place a dumb leader on it and call it a day. It does that for each occurrence.


What you are looking to do may differ but hopefully this gets you headed in the right direction.

As is almost always the case, I AM NOT the sole progenitor of this code, I hacked and copied multiple awesome solutions from multiple talented programmers and augmented it to suit my purpose. The majority of the code came from Vladimir.Ananyev in solving another AutoColor issue, I make no attempt to call all these ideas herein my own. See link at end for original source question.



Sub Main

	Dim SearchString As String
	SearchString = "123456" 'Enter part or all of the document filename to seek
	'step 1. select a drawingview
	Dim oDrawDoc As DrawingDocument
	oDrawDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument
	Dim oSheet As Sheet
	oSheet = oDrawDoc.ActiveSheet
	'for objects to be moved to specified layer
	Dim oColl As ObjectCollection
	oColl = ThisApplication.TransientObjects.CreateObjectCollection
	' select drawing views on active sheet
	Dim oDrawView As DrawingView
	' Option 1: Have the user select a drawing view.
	' Set oDrawView = ThisApplication.CommandManager _
	'.Pick(kDrawingViewFilter, "Select a drawing view.")
	' Option 2: we may process all drawing views on active sheet
	For Each oDrawView In oSheet.DrawingViews
		'adjust drawing view style
		'oDrawView.ViewStyle = DrawingViewStyleEnum.kHiddenLineDrawingViewStyle
		'step 2.
		'Get the active drawing document.
		Dim oDocDesc As DocumentDescriptor
		oDocDesc = oDrawView.ReferencedDocumentDescriptor
		' Verify that the selected drawing view is of an assembly.
		If oDocDesc.ReferencedDocumentType <> kAssemblyDocumentObject Then
			MessageBox.Show("The selected view must be of an assembly.")
			Exit Sub
		End If
		Dim oAssyDoc As AssemblyDocument
		oAssyDoc = oDocDesc.ReferencedDocument
		'step 3
		'filter required docs
		Dim oRefDocs As DocumentsEnumerator
		oRefDocs = oAssyDoc.AllReferencedDocuments
		Dim oDoc As Inventor.Document
		For Each oDoc In oRefDocs
			'Criteria depends on your requirements:
			'substring from filename, custom iProperty value, parameter value, etc.
			If InStr(oDoc.FullFileName, SearchString) > 0 Then
			'this is required document
			'Debug.Print oDoc.FullFileName 'debug print only
			'find all occurrences for every part found
			Dim oOccEnum As ComponentOccurrencesEnumerator
			oOccEnum = oAssyDoc.ComponentDefinition.Occurrences.AllReferencedOccurrences(oDoc)
			For Each oOcc As ComponentOccurrence In oOccEnum
				Dim oCurveEnum As DrawingCurvesEnumerator
				oCurveEnum = oDrawView.DrawingCurves(oOcc)
				Dim oCurve As DrawingCurve
				oCurve = oCurveEnum.Item(1)
				Dim oSegment As DrawingCurveSegment
				Dim ctPoint As Point2D
					ctPoint = oCurve.MidPoint
					ctPoint = oCurve.CenterPoint
				End Try		
				Dim Pt1 As Point2D
				Pt1 = ThisApplication.TransientGeometry.CreatePoint2d
				Pt1.X = ctPoint.X + 2
				Pt1.Y = ctPoint.Y + 3
				Dim oObjCol As ObjectCollection
				oObjCol = ThisApplication.TransientObjects.CreateObjectCollection
				oSheet.DrawingNotes.LeaderNotes.Add(oObjCol, "LeaderText")
			Next 'oOcc
			End If
		Next 'oDoc
	Next 'oDrawView
End Sub

Primary Source:





Best of Luck

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I'm really sorry because it seems my answer hasn't been posted last time. Thank you a lot for this post. Looks exactly like what i'm looking for. I will try to implement the code as soon as possible and let you know, if it works for me.


Best Regards,
