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Demote all sub-assemblies individually using ilogic


Demote all sub-assemblies individually using ilogic

Not applicable
I have assemblies containing multiple parts and sub-assemblies. The sub-assemblies need to be converted to the standard.iam template so that I can convert them to assets (using the 'convert to assets' utility) and then synch to autocad. The easiest way to do this is to demote all of those sub-assemblies. I would like to use an ilogic code to mimmick the demote utility. I already have a 'for' loop written up to run through all of the sub-assemblies one after the other.... I'm only missing a way to demote them.
3 Replies
Replies (3)




I don't understand this statement or understand what you're trying to accomplish..  "The sub-assemblies need to be converted to the standard.iam template"  Are you trying to create numerous templates bases on the sub-assemblies in your model?   Also are you using Factory Design since you're talk about converting assets? Or what are trying to accomplish going to AutoCAD?

Inventor version too?

Mark Lancaster

  &  Autodesk Services MarketPlace Provider

Autodesk Inventor Certified Professional & not an Autodesk Employee

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Not applicable
1: 2018
2: I am using factory design
3: We connect a bunch of factory assets together, then demote those. The
demote is then given an item number. Our top-level assemblies can incorporate up to one hundred of these item demotes. We want to keep the same item
structure in our top-level assembly as what is used for production. These
demotes are done with the factory design template to permit modification.
4: Some departments require a 2d autocad drawing with the item numbers and
with the items in correctly named autocad blocks
5: The synch-autocad function combines all of the items into a single autocad block when the
synched items are not assets. This is unsatisfactory because we want each item to be in its own block
6: So therefore, I need to convert those top-level factory design assemblies into assets
in order for them to be separate blocks once synched to autocad
7: Unfortunately, the 'convert to asset' utility which permits batch conversion into assets, does not function with assemblies made with the factory design template. As mentioned above, all of those items are made with the factory design template to permit modification  
8: Which brings me to needing to demote (or save replace) all of the sub-assemblies so that
they are made using the standard inventor assembly template. That way, I can then run
the 'convert to asset' utility, so that I can then run 'synch to autocad' and get the results I want.


Not applicable

Basically...everything in this workflow works and we get the end results that we want, it's just that the first step - demoting all of those sub-assemblies one by one - is time consuming and could be automated. 

Once everything is converted to a standard template instead of the factory one - it's just a matter of waiting for the computer to generate your autocad drawing.